Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2

Start from the beginning

Nami touches one of her tattoos gently. "So it's a special ink I take it?"

"That's right. The ink itself is normal, but it's mixed with metal fibers which bind with my skin. Now I can create at will."

Usopp looks around the city in confusion. "But wait a minute--so this entire city came out of your hands?"

"No way!" Chopper yelps.

Aiku laughs. "Not exactly. The largest parts were recreated from other things. Like old ship hulls or discarded iron material." 

Zoro crosses his arms and glares at her. "That is a seriously powerful devil fruit."

Brook agrees. "I'll say. The possibilities are endless." 

Aiku shrugs. "Well I guess that's true, but I'm also really young. So I'm still learning. I haven't harnessed the full abilities, and I'm sure I won't for some time."

Usopp grins pridefully. "Still though, you should be proud of the work you've already done!"

Luffy nods. "Yeah! You guys are really awesome."

Aiku gets heart eyes again. "You really think so!?"

"Yep!" Luffy barks.

Aiku blushes and begins nervously swaying. "Aw, thank you captain! That really means so much to me! But I'm not a fan girl or anything, so don't worry. I swear...I'm not...well maybe a little." 

"Hey--can you make me a balloon animal too?!" 

"She's not a circus clown, Luffy!" The crew yells in unison.

As Aiku leads them through the city center again, Zoro comes beside Nami. "Now do you see why I was defensive? I knew something felt weird to me." He speaks softly. 

"What are you talking about?" She wonders.

"That devil fruit power is incredible. It's amazing she hasn't been captured yet."

"Why would she get captured?"

"If the World Government knows, they have got to be after this girl--no doubt about."

"Oh come on, that's just an assumption. We don't know why, how, or even if they know. You're being paranoid." 

Zoro sighs and turns away. "Alright. You heard it here first."

When the crew arrive at their first destination, which is one of a series of stone archways revolving around the base of the lighthouse, Aiku stands in front of them to present it. "Welcome to our first stop! This is the main kitchen, where we prepare and craft all the delicious food!"

Sanji beams and pumps a fist. "Alright! Save the best for first!"

Aiku leads them inside a roomy kitchen area, with expansive ranges and many cooks. They are pleased to discover a lively atmosphere filled with boisterous chefs. Some hammer slices of meat, some fry fish in huge licks of flame, others throw dough high in the air and spin it on their fingers. It seems chefs of all shapes, colors, sizes and species are gathered, and all working together to craft spectacular dishes.

Sanji's eyes dart from station to station, absorbing the familiar atmosphere. "Wow, this is one lively kitchen! Look at them go!"

"And it smells so delicious!" Chopper shouts. He, Usopp, Luffy and Brook loom over them with sparkling eyes and watering mouths.

Aiku smiles. "And you haven't even tasted everything yet! Not even close!'

"I want one of everything!" Luffy proclaims. 

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