{1} Quirkless

376 24 13

The young girl looked at the Tv boredly as she ate her cereal.
Suddenly a figure stood in front of her eye line.
A man with similar features to her own looked at her with an annoyed sighed.
"You need to stop doing whatever it is you're doing,"he said seriously. (Y/n) looked up at him. Seeming it was her father.
"Why? Cause it's dangerous-"
"What do you know about dangerous"
"The only fear you've had is from watching a horror movie-"
"(Y/N)!" He snaps. (Y/n) flinched as her father sighed.
"This is serious, you probably pissed off the most dangerous person there is, you have paparazzi trying to track you down, making your brother worry, not to mention school..."he said as he kneeled in front of her. "It's like there's a big target on your back and you're not even trying to be a difficult shot"he said. (Y/n) looked away.
"I had to do it-"
"You could have died-"
"I have to show the world that I can be strong"
"Why can't you just accept that you're different than everyone else and that's okay-"
"Cause it's not okay!"she shouts. Her father was silent "And it never will be"she mutters crossing her arms after pushing her cereal away struggling not to cry.

Her father sighed as he stood up. "Get dressed for school"he said.  (Y/n) looked at her hands as she wiped her tears and went to her room.

They soon left and her father drove to the back of the school.
"Be good, try to stay out of trouble"he said. (Y/n) nods with a small smile as she unbuckled her car seat.
"You don't have that hat right?"
"No"she said opening the door.
"Hey,"her father said. (Y/n) looked back at him. "You know I love you"
"I love you too dad"she said with a smile as she exits the car and entered her classroom. She closed her eyes and smiled waiting for the car to leave as she goes in her backpack and pulled out an officer hat and proudly placed it on her head. Even if it was too big.

She was given glared and was laughed at but she didn't care.
'None of them looked in the eyes of a villain and lived'

Speaking of said villain....

He currently stood in front of a nicely painted door as he fixed his shirt and hair. He then knocked on the door.
"I'm coming in"the villain said.
"Okay..."said a voice. The door opened as a woman sat in a chair near a window. She had beautiful green hair and eyes and a cute small form.
"Izuku..."she said quietly. "Is it still alright if I call you that?"

The man at the door was izuku midoriya.
But he was going by another name.

"Yes mom...I don't mind if it's You"he said as he walked over and hugged her. His mother, Inko, hugged him as tightly as she could.
"You're growing too much,"she said, parting from her son. Midoriya chuckled as he pulled a chair and sat across from his mother.
"You could say that,"he said. Inko's smile faded.
"I saw the video,"she said. Midoriya's gaze hardens.
"Please don't look at me like that I-I'm not mad"inko said quickly her voice sounding suddenly scared.
"Mom it's fine I'm not going to harm you..."he said, taking her hand. Inko nods.
"I'm not like them,"he said softly. Inko calms down.
"I-I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize...and no I'm not going to hurt her"he said. Rubbing his finger against her knuckles.
Inko nods.
"Okay..."she said softly. Midoriya smiled cupping his mother's face and kissed her cheek.
"I have to go take care of things. What do you want to eat tonight?"he said quietly. Inko held his hands and smiled softly.
"I'll have a pork bowl..."she said softly.
"Okay"he said, moving away. Inki grabbed his hand. He looked at her.
"You're still a good boy"Inko said. Midoriya paused as he looked away.
"I'll have your food here by 6"he said as he left the room.


(Y/n) bit a student today.


(Y/n) sat across from a boy who glared at (y/n) who looked at her hands. The boy had a red bite mark on his wrist that seemed to be swelling.
A woman walked over in a rush as she hugged the boy.
"Oh my precious baby boy"
"M-mommy..."he said as he began to cry. (Y/n) didn't react.
"Is that her?"the mother said. The boy nods.
"Hey quirkless"the woman said. (Y/n) didn't respond.
The woman snaps her finger.
"Hey you I'm talking to you-"
"I have a name"she said. The woman glared
"What would that-"
"Rawr!!"(y/n) exclaimed as the woman grabbed her son and screamed. (Y/n) began to laugh.
"You brat!"she snaps. The principal exits the room.
"I-I'm so sorry about this, let's all go inside,"he said. "(Y/n) your dad wasn't able to show up"
"Where's my mom"
"The paper says"
"I want my mom,"she said.
"You know why"the principal said.
(Y/n) looked at the floor.

She sat in the room while the principal explained.
"The two seemed to have been playing-"
"He bullied me"
"You can speak when it's your turn,"he said. (Y/n) glared.
"And he said that he went to hug her and she bit him"the principal said.
The boy nodded.
"No that's not true he walked over to me! He called me names and then grabbed me so I bit him! And he used is quick and burned my hand-"
"It didn't leave a mark (y/n)"
"He still hurt me!"she said upset , slamming her hand on the desk. The mother turns to the principal who sighed.
"Two days of suspension "
"What!!"(y/n) said, tearing up. "He hurt me!"
"He gets one day of detention,"he said.
(Y/n) glared her body trembling. She didn't know what to do or say.

"Alright if the problem is solved the (y/n) head back to class I have to talk with Ms. Hanaru and young Toruu"
(Y/n) hopped out of the chair as she left. She went to the class and sat down. Hiding her face as she cried.


Midoriya walked down the hallway as he looked at his phone

Quirkless brat almost gets a rookie hero killed.

Midoriya glared at the title. It felt all too familiar.
It was a shock to him when it did happen. He decided to take advantage of the situation. Hoping to at least promote the girl to a positive light.

It backfired.

"The world never changes-"

A crash was heard outside of a door.
He walked one as his eyes widened slightly.
The girl was in the alley. Her hair was messy and she was bruised and bloodied. The group of kids was more than the last time he had seen her.
He glared.
"S-stop it!"
"You wanna bite people now? First a quirkless now a feral dog"sakura scoffed.
"I'm not a dog,"she said weakly as she stood up. "I may be quirkless but I'm better than you"
"What did you say?" Said the boy from
"Yeah! I said it! Last time I checked I was the one who stopped a villian"she snapped. Sakura glared.
"None of you can say that-" a blast of light hit her chest as she was launched into the trash can as the lid fell. The children laughed. As he hat fell in front of the trash can. Sakura walked over to it.
"Don't ever forget your place in quirkless. Trash "Sakura said as sje steps on the hat.  "less than that maybe"

The kids left as midoriya sighed.

(Y/n) hugged herself before a familiar voice was heard.
"Didn't I tell you not to show up in this alley?"the voice said. (Y/n) tensed as ten lid opened as midoriya looked down at her with a bored look.
"So what are you doing here?"

Fight for me (Villain Deku x child reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon