Otomi Mizuki (Hero | X-over)

Beginne am Anfang

Defensive powers include shaping huge walls or barriers from the ground, creating an omni-directional wave of rocks/stone around the user to defend from all attacks and covering oneself with armor made from earth.

Supplementary uses of this power include flight by standing on a piece of levitating earth and enhanced movement by using by skating on the earth and gaining enhanced senses from sensing the earth.


Name: Crazy Diamond

Namesake: Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pink Floyd musical composition)


Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: C (3m)

Stamina: B

Precision: B

Development Potential: C



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Crazy Diamond is a Close-Range Stand, which like Star Platinum, is characterized by its physical might and speed at the cost of a short range of 3 meters. Its basic characteristics are:

 Super Strength: Crazy Diamond possesses immense physical strength, having been able to easily punch through the abdomens of two people at once.

 Super Speed: Not only is it capable of surprising an on-guard and fully charged Red Hot Chili Pepper, but Crazy Diamond can also outpace other Stands such as Highway Star in close combat. Mizuki estimates that its strikes exceed 300 km/h (190 mph), though this is likely an understatement as it's speed is comparable to Star Platinum, which moves faster than the speed of light. It was also able to catch a bullet fired in close proximity to Mizuki.

 Precision: Crazy Diamond can effectively fire off a rifle bullet from its fingers up to 50 to 70 meters when Mizuki concentrates.

Thus, Crazy Diamond is a powerful Stand in close-quarter combat whose capabilities are enhanced by its unconventional power of repairing broken items, making it a redoubtable and unpredictable Stand in a fight, but also an invaluable fighting partner as it can effectively heal any wound.


It can repair damage, heal injuries, revert chemical changes and complex structures to their raw components (e.g. a table into its constituent timber). It may also fuse objects, for example, a person with a rock.

When restoring a divided object, the user is able to control which part acts as the starting points for the rest to gather towards.

Feats of this nature include trapping an enemy by restoring pieces of a broken crate around it; exposing a Stand formerly bound to an object; and tracking by restoring a severed hand, forcing it to seek out and reattach itself to the body from which it was cut off.

If this ability is used while Mizuki is in a foul mood, its target may become warped as a result of improper restoration.

Crazy Diamond's ability cannot heal its user, cure illnesses (as victims are not considered damaged), retrieve things erased by The Hand, or restore life to a dead organism.

Mizuki frequently uses this ability to heal her allies, pull herself or objects into an advantageous position, or trap enemies by repairing a whole object around them.

She can also use outside-the-box stratagems that take advantage of the properties of an object's former state.


● Mizuki was inspired by Shihouin Yoruichi from Bleach.

● Her voice was also known or played as:

● Her voice was also known or played as:

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"Tomo Aizawa from Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"

● Mizuki's Actually A Clean Freak.

● Mizuki's favorite dish to cook is paella.

● She's Musically Talented, Particularly On The Drums.

● It is revealed that Mizuki suffers from Katsaridaphobia (a fear of roaches).

● It is revealed that Mizuki has learned every Fighting Styles at the age of 13.

● Mizuki has a strong sense of modesty; feeling uncomfortable in skirts as one accident can expose her underwear.

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