Turning away, Yuri took the time to go clean off the rest of the tables. He glanced back every so often to see Phichit getting the meats cooking. After wiping down the counters, Yuri went around refilling the napkins, salt or pepper shakers, while checking to see if any of the condiments needed to be topped off. By the time he was done, a short line was coming from across the park.

The owners of the food truck chose this location to set up because it was near a park. On one side was an elementary school, next to a day care, with a few apartment buildings behind them. On the other were several office buildings. Many, many people walked through the park each day for lunch. Most just wanted to grab something quick, so a food truck was the perfect thing.

Yuri jogged back to the truck. He stashed away his supplies, checked the fridge he had stocked earlier, then made sure Phichit had remembered to turn the rice cooker on. He grinned they were all set up. The first customer came to the window.

Over the next two hours, Yuri couldn't think of much aside from his job. He called out orders to Phichit, he spoke to the customers, often joking with them. His smile never left his face. Only while he worked was he this engaged in other people. He knew several by name, more by face and a few simply by the order they placed.

The man came who took a huge box of orders up to his department. Phichit had it ready to go. Yuri still didn't know this man's name, but he recognized him. He always looked tired, overworked or in need of a break. He paid with the usual credit card as Yuri held out the box. They had three more customers in line.

Yuri quickly took their orders, gathered them, then passed them through the window to the correct person. He had a good memory for things like that. Hardly ever did he have to call out an order to ensure it got to the right person. Sometimes the people would go sit down while they waited for their order to be prepared. These were the ones Yuri typically had to call out for.

The last person walked away, a smile on his face as he ate the hotdog in one hand while holding a rice ball in the other. Yuri leaned against the counter wiping the sweat from his brow. He could see that his hard work from earlier was destroyed. All the tables were still filled with people so he would have to wait to go clean them. He turned to start on cleaning up with Phichit.

"Why?" Phichit glared at him.

"Because the guys are hot, they will pretend to do anything you ask, even read out the manga to you! They will not break character for anything. My friend said they went to one, there was some sort of medical emergency all the actors reacted in the way their character would." Phichit looked pumped up as he finished talking.

"Well, let's hope at least one of them would have been intelligent enough to call for an ambulance." Yuri grouched. He knew his friend wouldn't let this go.

"A bet then!" Phichit cried.

"A bet?" Yuri eyed him.

Phichit had his hands in the sink as he washed up the dishes. Yuri was taking care of the food that wasn't used. He twisted a tie over the rolls. Looking around he saw the toasted bun was still on the warmer. Mr. Yakov hadn't been in again today. Silently he prayed that the old man was OK. This was the third day in a row...

"Yes a bet!" Phichit pulled Yuri's attention back.

Yuri tossed the hard bun into he trash. "I'm listening." He stated without much interest.

"If I win, we go to the Yaoi café tomorrow night. If you win..." Phichit glanced over at his friend with stark disapproval written all over his striking face.

"I will never bring it up again!" He vowed.

Yuri raised an eyebrow. He knew Phichit would honor this condition. He would never again speak to Yuri about a Yaoi café. Yuri sighed, this was a little childish. But then again, they were in their twenties still working the same jobs they had in high school. Sometime, ok, most of the time the routine was comforting to Yuri. However, as of late, he had been thinking about changing things in his life. He sighed.

"What kind of bet?" he asked

"Um, we could cross dress? Got to campus see who gets the most phone numbers?" Phichit mentioned. They went to the same college.

"No." Yuri vetoed it.

"Um arm wrestling?" Phichit offered.

"You always win those." Yuri pointed out.

"Well, you always win rock, paper, scissors." Phichit stated.

They were silent for a bit. Yuri was hoping Phichit wouldn't think of anything. Phichit was raking his mind for something, anything, that would he fair.

"A race? But neither of us run." He continued to wash the dishes, wipe down the counter, in general his usual routine after their lunch rush.

"I got it." He finally shouted.

Yuri jumped at the loud cry, wracking his head on the cupboard top as he jerked back from taking inventory. He rubbed the sore spot. Looking up, he saw Phichit above him. A huge grin was plastered to his friends face as he held up a single finger. Yuri felt the butterflies begin to awaken in his gut.

"What?" he asked in a voice that shook slightly.

"We have a drinking contest." Phichit stated.

"Neither of us drink." Yuri pointed out.

"That's why it would be perfect. Whoever passes out first loses." Phichit suggested.

"Oh, that's great but we will both be drunk so who will remember who passed out first?" Yuri asked.

"Oh, um...." Phichit lost some of his shine.

"You could record it, or come to my place. I'll supervise." Yuuko suggested.

Yuuko was a childhood friend of Yuri's. They had grown up just a few houses away from each other. When Phichit moved to town, Yuri had introduced the spunky girl to him. Together the three had been nearly inseparable. They had all agreed to go to the same college. They all worked the food truck. Yuuko was suppose to work the lunch rush with them, but she had an appointment today.

"That sounds fair. We could do both." Phichit nodded.

"What is he trying to get you to do, that you need to bet on?" Yuuko asked.

"He wants me to go to a Yaoi café with him." Yuri stated.

Yuuko covered her mouth, but the giggle escaped anyway. She laughed trying not to disturbed the few remaining customers.

"Oh, that would be great!" She giggled.

Yuri sighed, as he watched his friend put her apron on. She began to clear the empty tables. He had a feeling that his life was about to change. Turning to look along the path he saw Mr. Yakov strolling toward them, he held the leash of a small white dog. Yuri smiled rushing to toast the bun for him. Today was a good day!

He looked at Phichit. "You're on!" He cried as he turned to greet their customer.

Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafeWhere stories live. Discover now