Eclipse comforts Sun?

Start from the beginning

The cat animatronic grabs my hand and drags me ouside of the room shushing me harshly yet quietly every time I tried to speak

They both were continuously watching anxiously everywhere we went as if we were about to run into someone or something.

We finally stopped in a room that was closed off from the rest of the house and the cat animatronic not letting go of my hand used her other hand and grabbed onto the bunny animatronic's (whose name is apparently 'Alice') hand she looked at me and mouthed 'teleport' leaving me no room to argue so I teleported the 3 of us out of there and into a random spot in the woods

I look at them, "Okay what is going on and who are you guys!?" I practicly scream

They exchange a look before examening the place around us making sure no one is watching us before the cat saying, "We are Monty and Lunar.. we are in disguises.."

Sun's Pov

I go in the drawer below the one that I pulled out the first tool from and grabbed a knife. It was originally going to be for self defence especially since surprisingly enough knifes can harm metal. But you know what I think there has been a change of plans in what I am going to us this knife for

I being it to my knewly replaced arm and right before I cut I hesitate. Why you ask? I don't know why but I just hesitate, I stand there knife at my arm ready to slice but I'm just standing there

Moon's Pov

I look on in surprise as the two female animatronics in front of me press buttons on their arms and transform into Monty and Lunar

The cat was Monty the whole time and the 'Alice' animatronic was Lunar the whole time!? I think I might be going crazy...

They obviously notice my surprise and start laughing, but they quickly stop. Monty looks at me and says, " Is Sun okay?" I assure them that Sun is fine and they both let out a sigh of releaf

I decide I might as well start asking them about what is going on and that is just what I do

Sun's Pov

I don't hesitate for long though as I soon start pushing the knife into my arm drawing ink, I watch as the ink drips onto the floor and the dreadful feeling of pain washes over me once more

I take the knife and do it again on my other arm

Eclipse's Pov

I teleport myself into Sun's room completly prepaired to make him suffer even more, but what i'm not prepared for is to see him cutting his arms with a knife

Without even thinking I run over to him and grab the knife out of his hands before he can make another cut and throw it across the room

"What the hell Sun!?" I scream, he looks surprised but quicky snapping out of it, his surprise morphing into fear, "I-I..." he stutters not being able to finish whatever he was trying to say

I grab his least damaged arm and teliport him to the room in my house where I painted Alice and Samantha, it is also a repair room

he trys to move out of my grasp and I give him a threating glare which makes him stop resisting. I set him on a table nearby and get to work reparing his arms, but since I want him to know I am not going to tolerate him doing this again I purposly do thinks to make it hurt more like sqeesing the cuts

After I finally finish repairing his arms I pull him into a quick hug befor pulling away not even 5 seconds later like the hug was 4 seconds at best anyways after I pull away from the quick one-sided hug I glare at him again, "NEVER do that again you hear me?" I ask threatningly

he nods hesitantly and once im satisfyed with the answer I grab his arm again and teliport us back to his room letting go of him and immediatly teleporting back to my repair room, to clean up the mess

(Authors note: Here is a longer chapter for you all since the last few have been quite short. See I would love to have made it longer and especially gotten more intel for Moon from Monty adnd Lunar bun like I want to finish this chapter tonight or well this morning and its like 1:13 AM at the time of writing this part. where I am atleast, I don't know what time it is for you and stuff but anyways yeah I tried. Also for those of you who think "Oh well this doesn't make sence at all like why would Eclipse feel bad for and help Sun?? This is so not alright" yeah well remember that one episode of the Sun and Moon show back in october when it was the Eclipse and Lunar show and Lunar went out of the daycare and into that Faz-place while still wearing his glow and after going back and forth with Eclipse about it, Eclipse slapped him? And then after Lunar walked away from Eclipse, Eclipse mentioned being counfused on why he felt bad and acually cared about Lunar. So like that's canon so don't even. Also this is an AU! And plus since Eclipse is more so like Moon he designed Lunar to be more so like Sun so it just makes sence that if he would feel bad for hurting Lunar then big-brother mode would also kick in when he saw Sun cutting. Thanks for you patience and support, Author out!)

Sun and Moon Show angst *my AU*Where stories live. Discover now