Sun's pain

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Disclaimer- mental/emotional abuse, physical abuse, self hatred *If you yourself are enduring any of these things, seek help! You're not alone through this. Trust me*

*Moons Pov

I say goodbye to the last remaining children as I watch them walk away, I wonder what Sun's doing right now, I thought to myself. I walked back into the daycare and shut the doors. I guess i'm going to have to go find out.

I searched around the daycare for a bit and found him standing by the ball pit. I was surprised I didn't see him right away, he was looking at the ground and I could immediately tell something was wrong.

"Sun? What's wrong brother?" I asked, concern inking into my structure

"Huh!?" I was taken aback by how he jumped, he jerked his head up a bit to fast for my liking, "O-oh nothing's wrong brother! You surprised me a bit, I thought you were still saying bye to the children!" Sun said with his usual wide grin on his face.

Sometimes it gets quite annoying how he always has a smile on his face no matter what.

"No.. The children left a few minutes ago. Are you sure you're oka-" I paused for a moment studying him closely, and noticed he was missing one of his rays. " Sun, what happened to your ray?" I asked fully concerned for Sun's well being. I swear if someone hurt him...

"O-oh um it's nothing brother really! I was just jumping into the ball pit to show the kids that I was never afraid and do it all the time.. And I landed wrong..." Sun said while laughing nervously.

Why isn't he telling me the truth... I thought to myself, "Sun. It's a ball pit. Even if you landed wrong you can't really get hurt that bad... What really happened?" I asked in a serious tone.

Sun sighed and looked away, "Um.. so Jerry's dad came in to pick him up and was surprised at how untidy the daycare is... And he started yelling at me, saying things like I swear you can never do anything right can you!? and You useless machine! I can't believe I ever trusted you with my kid! and.. and h-he.." Sun started to struggle to get the last words out

I looked on in shock waiting for him to finish I swear if he did what I think he did to sun... I thought to myself as I tried to stay calm for sun

Sun looked at me for a second then fixed his gaze on the floor, "He r-r-ripped off m-my ray.." he stuttered out

Anger over took me as I thought of all the ways I wanted to kill that stuck up human for hurting my brother, but once I realized he had started crying I took a deep breath and pulled him into a hug

"Shhh it's okay brother... I'm here now.." I whispered to him attempting to calm him down, to be completely honest I have no idea how to comfort him right now. I'm not very good at this...

I teleported us to my room and picked him up. He seemed surprised that I would do such a thing

I had a bad feeling about something, and decided to make sure it wasn't him. I grabbed his arm and checked his battery

To my surprise it was extremely low. As if he hadn't slept in weeks

I set him on my bed and then got up on there myself. "m-moon..?" Sun hesitantly asked "W-what are you doing..?" I layed his head on my lap (NOT A SHIP YOU WEIROS) and said "Sleep."

Sun looked scared for some reason and I wanted to know why. I wanted to know why he hasn't told me any of these things. Who knows how many secrets he's hiding from me

"I would love to brother! If this is how you want to spend time with me then okay! :D But unfortunately I have something I have to  get done so I can't sleep right now..." He rushed out attempting to get up

I pushed him back down and started giving him a lecture about the importance of sleep and how he shouldn't be a hypocrite by making sure I slept and was okay when he wasn't taking care of himself and making sure he got enough sleep as well.

After finishing I gave him a stern look and said "Sleep."

He started to apologize but I shut that down immediately, not wanting him to feel that any of this was his fault. " Don't apologize brother. It isn't your fault, and it isn't going to be. I'm just worried about you. Now.  Sleep."

"O-okay moony.." sun stuttered out, and then he closed his eyes and powered off.

I looked down at him, and smiled to myself before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep as well.

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