Eclipse comforts Sun?

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Disclaimer this story contains mental emotional abuse, physical abuse, self harm, self hate, ect. if you are going through any of these thinga go get help you are not alone through this.

Moon's Pov

I finish fixing Sun and immediatly get the urge to yell at him, I tell myself to stay calm and I pick him up and carry him to my bed

I set him down and tilt his chin up to look at me since he looked at the floor and I wanted him to look me in the eye, "Why the Hell would you do something like that Sun?" I ask him as calmly as I can making sure to keep a stern expression on my face along with a stern tone of voice

He looks back at the ground and stutters out, "I-I'm s-s-sorry b-brother.. I-I didn't m-m-mean to..." I look at him and my exression softens

I notice the tears in his eyes and bend over pulling him into a hug, "It's okay brother.. I'm not going to hurt you I promise. I just don't knoe ehy you would do something like that to yourself brother" I tell him.

He doesn't make a sound or move to respond so I just keep hugging him and soon enough I feel the tears hit against my hat

I comfort him until he falls alseep, then I cover im up in my blankets and walk out of my room, crawling through the little hole that acts as my door

I tell Computer find and give me Monty's cordinates somehow and it takes a few minutes but he does. I look at the location computer gave me and to my surprise they arn't that far from here

Sun's pov

I wait about 10 minutes to make sure Moon actually left before climbing out of the covers and standing up, I look around and once I fell comfortable with my surroundings I climb through the hole and exit Moon's room

I go into my room and again lock the door behind me except this time I have no intention of needing to be aved by my brother or anyone else tehat would car enough to help me for some reason, I don't know why they would but I guess they are just faking it or something

Moon's Pov

I decide it will be faster to teliport to my destination so I type in the coordinates into my arm and say the teliportatioin spell and soon enough, I'm inside a house

I look around the room I'm in and find out that there are two girls sleeping in beds, "Hello?" I ask

The one on the left side of the room from which I am facing away from the door jolts up in surprise, she looks at me in shock for a few seconds before jumping out of the bed and running behin me making sure the door is locked before walking back up to me, "Moon??? what are you doing here!?" she asks, I hesitantly respond with, "Umm do I know you?"

She silently swears to herself just loud enough for me to be able to hear then she walks over to the other girl who is sleeping in the other bed on the right side of the room, I look closer at the one in the bed and realize she is a bunny animatronic with greenish yellow hairm kind of like sewer water but in a good more colorful happy kind of way

I look at the one who has seemed to recognized me from somewhere and she is a cat animatronic with purpleish-blue hair and a read tank top with red shorts, kind of Monty's style

I wait for a moment as she nuges the bunny animatronic awake wispering, "Alice. Wake up... Moon's here and we need to go somewhere more... private to talk."

A confused expresion crosses my face as the bunny animatronic jolts up in simular way as the cat did and jumps out of bed as well, nodding and running to th door unlocking it and looking both ways into the hall ouside the door as if making sure no one was there, then she walked out

Sun and Moon Show angst *my AU*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang