I forgive you

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Rafe: Lissie please talk to me im sorry.

Lissie looked at the message from rafe but not carring enough to answer.

Rafe: Lissie please I know youre there.

Rafe: Meet me at our spot in 30 I need to talk to you.


Lissie: Okay, bossy.

(She had been helping kie with her parents restaurant)

 She moved to finish counting the register, her phone dinging with another notification less than a minute later.

Rafe: Don't act like you don't like it

The brunette rolled her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek as she focused back on counting the twenties in her hand. So what if she likes being bossed around sometimes. After a year and a half of dating, Rafe knew he was the only exception to her rule of no one telling her what to do.

Taking her apron off as she walked away, Lissie figured she should stop at home for a quick shower before going to meet up with Rafe. 

Thirty minutes ended up being more like an hour by the time Lissie had made it to the beach freshly showered, her hair damp as it blew in the cool night breeze. Her flashlight guided the way as she walked towards the mound or rocks on the north side of the beach.

Before long, Lissie could see the golden light of a fire coming from the center of said rocks, the girl picking up her pace as she did so. When she made the climb over the top of the rocks, she smiled brightly seeing her boyfriend on the other side.

Rafe was facing away from her, sitting in one of the portable beach chairs they had brought out here a while ago. Lissie moved up behind him, covering his eyes. "Goddamn man-child, you act like a kid even though you stand six foot two"

Her smile quickly moved into a frown when she felt him flinch at her touch. Removing her hands, Lissie moved to stand in front of Rafe, and tilted back the baseball cap he was wearing. A light gasp escaped her lips as she took in the sight of the boy in front of her.

"I'M fine Lissie." Rafe slurred, softly swatting her hand away. He moved to readjust his hat, but Lissie beat him to it, removing the cap completely to get a better look.

"What happened?" She questioned, taking in the sight of his bloodshot eye that would no doubt be black in the next couple hours. There was a purple bruise on his jaw and a split lip to top it off.

Rafe shrugged, avoiding her gaze. "You know how my Dad gets when I talk too much. You know me, I can't shut up half the time."

Lissie shook her head at Rafe trying to make light of the situation. Gently, she brought her hand up caressing the bruise forming around his eye. "Rafe-"

"I can't even feel it anymore, baby. I'm good." Rafe brought his own hand up, lacing their fingers together. When he finally met her eyes, Kiara could see just how glazed over they looked causing her to let out a watery sigh.

Lissie knew what Rafe looked like when he was high off weed versus when he was high off coke, and this was definitely the latter. Rafe hadn't done coke in almost six months, and Kiara had been so proud of him. And now today of all days...all she could think about right now is how much she hated Ward Cameron.

"I'M sorry Lissie. I know you're disappointed in me." Rafe tugged Lissie forward so she had no choice but to sit in his lap.

Wiping the few stray tears that escaped his eyes, Lissie shook her head as she blinked away her own. "No, baby. I'm not disappointed, okay. We'll get through this together. It's you and me remember. You and me.

Rafe nodded as Lissie placed a soft kiss over the bruise on his jaw, then under his eye before their lips met in a tender kiss. Lissie was careful not to accidentally split his lip again.

Lissie pulled back after a bit, resting her forehead against his. The ghost of Rafe's fingertips strumming against her bare back under her shirt caused her to shiver.

"You cold?" Rafe's voice came out just above a whisper. Kiara shook her head in response without breaking contact.

A few minutes later, Lissie's alarm went off on her phone blaring through the silence. She moved, pulling her phone from the pocket of her backpack turning the alarm off. It was officially midnight. She looked up at Rafe who was staring back at her as he fiddled with the hem of her shirt. Lissie went back and forth in her mind a bit before deciding she would go ahead and give Rafe his present now instead of waiting.

Lissie sifted through her backpack finding the black box she was looking for. "Close your eyes, and hold your hand out."

Rafe's eyes lingered on her for a moment before he obliged. Kiara shifted a bit before placing the square jewelry box in his hand. "Happy Birthday, babe. You can open your eyes."

Rafe opened his eyes, looking at the box in his hand.

"Go ahead and open it." Lissie looked at him expectantly.

"You aren't proposing to me, are you?" Rafe smirked and Kiara rolled her eyes.

"No, you ass, just open it."

Rafe moved to open the box revealing a personalized black leather bracelet.

L & R


"I don't know Lissie. I mean if this was a ring it'd definitely be a proposal." Rafe teased.

Lissie lightly tapped his arm. "Oh whatever, Cameron. Don't act like you wouldn't say yes to me."

Rafe shrugged. He definitely wouldn't not say yes.

Lissie took the bracelet out of the box, clasping it around his wrist. "This is so all those little kook bitches know you're taken." She stated only half jokingly.

Rafe lifted an eyebrow. "Well damn Lissie, if you want to stake your claim, I'd gladly get a tattoo across my chest that says property of Lissie Abbot  or stand back bitches Lissie A.'s my girl."

Lissie let out a full laugh, throwing her head back. Rafe smiled listening to her giggle. His head was still a little fuzzy, but he was sobering up for the most part now that the one person that meant the most to him was here. All thoughts of the altercation earlier with his dad were forgotten.

Lissie brought her head back up as her laughter subsided. Rafe placed his baseball cap atop her messy curls.

"I definitely like the second tattoo idea. Those bitches better stand back. You're mine Cameron." Lissie pulled him in for another kiss, mindful of his bruises.

Rafe returned the kiss with fervor. Hers was all he ever wanted to be.

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