The Boneyard

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The kiss was turning into a make-out session and if Lissie was not pulling away from Rafe, as he most certainly is not as he's already slid his hands under her shirt, gripping her waist firmly, it would turn into something Lissie will definitely regret. Sure, she wanted him to kiss her. Valid that Lissie did want it, but her feelings towards him and whatever they have going on is at the back of her mind now that there was news about Big John's case.

"Rafe, we need to stop." She pushes him away from her as she pants out. It was getting heated and that went on too long for her mind to comprehend.

He looked at her with lust. She doesn't want him to look at her that way. She wasn't an object he could play with and toss around later on. She gets to decide, not him.

"Lissie, I want this." He says as he approaches her, his right hand touching her cheek.

Bullshit. She thought to herself.

"But, you see, Rafe, I know you don't." She tells him, chuckling at his words, leaving that hot closet and grabbing her change of clothes.

She looked at him one last time, glaring as she slammed her bathroom door, not wanting to hear him out anymore.

When Lissie came out of the bathroom, he wasn't there anymore. She sat on her bed contemplating what to do next. Next to her was a note. A sticky note with what looked like the scribbling of a child was an apology from Rafe Cameron.

She read it aloud to herself. "Sorry, Lili. Meet me at the Boneyard." Hearing herself say it made it extra confusing. Why can't Rafe just leave her alone? Granted that she hung out with him during the Hurricane, but that did not mean that they were now best friends who made out in her closet, full-time.

Lissie needed to think. About Big John missing and what the Pogues wanted for her to see. It must've been important enough for them to meet urgently. And when Lissie needed to think, she went for a walk. Deciding that it was best for her to walk to the Boneyard, so she could have her thoughts in order when she arrives.

Big John went missing nine months ago and when it was presumed that he was, her heart broke for John B. 'Those months seem like such a long way back' She thought. She'd lost things. She lost her mom months ago and she still can't get over it and she doubts that she ever will. She didn't want to forget. But she didn't want to wallow as much either. Her mother would have never allowed her to be that way, closing herself from the outside weeks at a time since then.

The mystery of Big John's disappearance at sea disarmed her. He was like her mentor, teaching her history and the richness of the world's greatest explorations. What started as research for a school history project turned into late-night translations and then eventual hangouts with the Pogues at the Chateau.

She neared the boneyard as the note Rafe left crossed her mind. He wanted to meet here. And sadly for him, Lissie wasn't there to meet him. He can grovel for her. She'd love that.

The party was divided into tourists, kooks, and pogues. All from different places on the island. How they could still stand each other was a miracle in Lissie's eyes. Her mind eventually changed when she saw JJ cursing out the Kooks as they backed up, walking towards the Twinkie.

"Hey, what happened?" She gently asks, not wanting to add any more fuel to the raging fire in JJ's eyes.

"Topper beat up and drowned John B. And then JJ stupidly brought out a gun," Pope replies, looking out at the party still going on.

She looked at the group and then at John B, inspecting the damage done to his face.

"Guys, you should've called me!" She's aggravated already. Lissie was protective when it came to the kids. She loved them to bits, too grateful for them for everything they've done for her.

"Except, I did?" Kie says annoyed with her delayed arrival. They were waiting on her. Lissie didn't know how much the pogues valued her opinion for almost anything, they'd do anything for her.

"Wait for me here, Okay? JJ, we'll talk about that gun later." She tells them quickly as she jogged towards the music.

The kooks were still enjoying themselves. Topper, Kelce, and Sarah were together, laughing and enjoying their time, almost as if they'd forgotten about what had happened before she even arrived. She didn't know the story fully but John B's wet hair and clothes with the matching injured face says everything she needed to see. She hated them. The Kooks never minded their own business, acting as if they owned the outer banks.

"Hey, Topper!" She screams, grabbing the crowd's attention.

The Kook turned around just in time for Lissie to reach them.
"What did you do?" She says, pushing him back harshly.

"Lissie, hey!" Topper greets her, clearly clueless to her anger.

"Listen here, Thornton," She grabbed his collar, gripping it towards her.

On Topper's side, Sarah Cameron looked at them worriedly. She was a sweet girl, but unfortunately, she hung out with the wrong crowd. She was one of them. Kelce wanted another fight to happen, he wanted to witness the famous Lissie Abbott lash out even at the expense of his friend.

"Hey, hey" Someone whispered beside her. The voice was familiar and infuriatingly bothering her.

"Leave it, Rafe!" She says turning to her side, not letting go of her grip on Topper's polo.

"Thornton! If you touch any of the pogues again, I will mess you up, understand?" She threatens, pushing him back again forcefully.

She started to turn away, not interested to see anyone's reaction to her outburst. She walked faster back to the kids she'd protect with everything she got.

"Lissie, wait!" Rafe calls for her, quickly following her from behind.

"I don't have time for this right now, Rafe." She walks even faster, not turning back.

He strongly grabs her hand, forcefully making her stop and turn around.

"Rafe, no! You can't say you want anything to do with me and then keep siding with them!" She says her eyes watering with anger, pointing at the party she was leaving behind.

"Lili, I do want everything to do with you-"

"Then, stop caring about the Kooks' opinions!" She whispers harshly waiting for his reply, hoping for a change of heart.

She was asking for too much. He'd never give up anything. He valued their opinion too much. He stood there shocked, confused, and didn't know how to speak up.

"Thought so." She says turning back again, fast walking towards the Twinkie.

The Pogues saw everything from behind. And they were curious as to why their beloved Lissie would even talk to a kook like Rafe, or even shout at him.


a/n: not rafe getting cock blocked by big john lol

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