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In the heart of the kingdom of Alura, a young wizard named Toby lived, blessed with innate talents that surpassed even the most skilled sorcerers. His aptitude was not the only thing that made him unique - his naivety was a charming trait that many found endearing. On the other hand, Stephen, the royal magus and Toby's mentor, had the remarkable talent of persuasion that had granted him his esteemed position, though his magical abilities paled in comparison to Toby's.

Toby had been harbouring suspicions for a while. He believed that Stephen was claiming credit for the magical inventions that were truly Toby's brainchildren. Though he was reluctant, his craving for justice pushed him to confront his mentor about this matter.

One evening, as the twin moons of Alura bathed the magic-powered streetlights with their ethereal glow, Toby mustered the courage to approach Stephen. He found him in his magical laboratory, a place filled with enchanted scrolls, floating crystals, and holographic maps, the very heart of the kingdom's magical innovations.

"Stephen," Toby began, his voice trembling slightly. "I've noticed something... unsettling. The recent inventions attributed to you, they are strikingly similar to the ones I've been working on."

Stephen did not react immediately. He simply stood by his desk, fiddling with an amethyst crystal which projected blue arcane symbols. Finally, he looked up at Toby and sighed, "I suppose we need to have a conversation."

Toby braced himself for a heated argument, but Stephen's calm demeanour disarmed him. Stephen began to recount the many late nights he'd spent toiling in the lab, adjusting, modifying, and perfecting Toby's raw ideas, and how he converted them into something the kingdom could use.

The royal magus spoke with a passion that Toby had never seen before. He talked about the hurdles he overcame, and how his communication skills helped him negotiate with the stubborn royal council to implement the magical inventions. Each word he said was a brushstroke painting a vivid picture in Toby's mind.

In Stephen's version of the story, he was the true creator of the magical innovations, and Toby was merely an assistant, supplying the initial ideas. He spun the tale so convincingly that Toby found himself questioning his own memories. Could it be true? Had Stephen really been the inventor, with him only assisting?

When Stephen finished his tale, he placed a reassuring hand on Toby's shoulder. "Toby, my boy, we have been a team. You are young, bright, with a world full of magic at your feet. Your ideas are remarkable. But remember, turning ideas into reality takes more than just raw talent."

Toby found himself feeling grateful. His resentment was replaced by an unexpected warmth. He thanked Stephen, the weight of injustice lifted from his heart. He felt proud of their joint accomplishments and was eager to create more magical wonders together.

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