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"Noelle," A whispered voice forces me to peel my eyes open. "Noelle get up."

I groan, rubbing my eye with my fist. "Mmm, what time is it?"

"Around 4. Never mind that, we have to leave."

I bring myself to an awakened state that allows me to depict the half blurry images of Harry in front of me. I lazily sit upright in bed, Harry on the edge, and look at the clock on my bedside. It really is 4AM.

"Harry, go back to bed." I fall back onto my pillow, sinking deeper into the white sheets.

"No, no, no. No bed." He practically rips me from bed and somehow I'm standing up.

"What's going on? Why do we have to leave?" I yawn mid-sentence, filtering my groggy voice.

He seems to have been quietly packing our bags while I was sleeping. All the clothes that had been scattered across this hotel room for the past 5 days have been neatly folded into a brand new suitcase.

"We're leaving for home this morning right?" My tired state takes control of my vocal chords again.

"Yes." He continues hurriedly folding his clothes into his separate suitcase.

"But that's at 9. Why are we leaving so early and so fast?" I take a seat on the edge of the bed as he had done before.

"Because we're not going home." Harry zips the final chain on his bag and turns to face me.

"What? Why?" I immediately stand up.

He grins, "We've been invited somewhere."

"Where?" I whisper as he approaches closer.


"Belgium?" My voice is louder than before now. "I'm not going to Belgium!"

"You really don't have a choice." He snorts as if I have to audacity to question his sudden words. He starts pushing me from my back, urging me to get cleaned up I assume.

"What about my education? My career?" I whip around to yell at him face-to-face.

He places his hands on my shoulders, "Noelle, relax. We're only going for two days."

All the tension built up in my shoulders instantly drops to the floor as he finishes his sentence. He really knows how to wake a girl up at 4 in the morning.

I sigh, "Couldn't you have led with that instead?"

He lets out an airy laugh. "Come on, go get dressed."

"Hold on, hold on. You said someone invited us, explain." I stop him from rushing me into the bathroom a second time.

"Okay, so we have another hideout in Belgium," He waits for a response to continue.

"Naturally." I raise my eyebrows.

"Well, our little shopping buddies from a few days ago have reportedly run to Belgium."

"Okay, and how does that affect us?" I yawn at the end of my sentence.

He sighs, pausing the packing he's in the middle of. "They're trying to kill someone."

"Who?" My heartbeat quickens.

"The Prince of Belgium. He's been a good friend of ours for quite some time, so I guess we're in charge of saving his ass." He shrugs, taking a seat on the bed opposite of me.

"How do you even know all of this?" My morning breath bounces back at me.

"I have some sources."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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