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Harry Styles

Comforting air hugs my face as we pass the green signal, the next unfamiliar song start on the radio. I exhale through my nose, my fingers staying gripped on the steering wheel. The leather feels nice against my fingers. Tight and expensive. My curls remain hanging at the sides of my head, the middle crease helping in doing so. Tonight has definitely been fun. My kind of fun. I almost sacrificed a girl to some anti-feminist group for it, but fuck it I got her back in the end. She doesn't understand. She hasn't seen the things I've seen. She hasn't talked to the people I've talked to. She's spent so much of her life in the outside world at nightclubs and bars but she's never been on the inside. That world is dangerous for people like her, and what I showed her tonight was half of it.

 I direct my eyes to the woman of the night that hasn't said a word in a little while. My pleasant expression drops to an exasperated one once I notice she's asleep.

Oh give me a damn break.

I make the turn on her street, my hands also exhausted in whatever's to come next. She better not expect me to carry her or some shit. I look back at her, not sure if she's actually fast asleep. But she is. Her soft eyelids are sealed shut and her lips are parted just perfectly to build her asleep state. She didn't have to look so innocent doing it, that makes this ten times harder. How do I wake her up? Is she gonna be mad if I ruin her sleep? Is she still drunk?

Third question I can answer actually. Most likely. It's only been about five minutes that she's been quiet. It usually takes 5-6 hours to wear off being drunk. I should know.

She looks so peaceful, like her mind has absolutely nothing to worry about. I shouldn't have been so harsh on her. She's barely gotten over her mom's death. I can tell. She wants to lie to Harlow and tell her she's okay but I've seen her face. She looks like hell. She has light makeup on, unlike Harlow's. She has rosy blush that's somewhat wiped off and smudged mascara or eyeliner or whatever the hell you call it under her eyes. Her skin looks so soft and delicate, except the small red marks under her chin from those men grabbing her. I never should've let them touch her.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts as I pick up my foot from the accelerator and slam it onto the brakes. Well. We're here. So many ideas flow throughout my mind, my actions still confused on what to do. I throw my eyes to the back of my head, unbuckling my seatbelt and reaching to my right. What do I do with her?

I hesitate for a moment again starting to overthink such a simple action. I finally decide to keep her asleep, silently reaching over to the opposite side of the car. As I go to press the red button, I realize I'm almost laying in front of her. I try to hurry the action, but somehow my seatbelt releaser has just know decided to be an asshole. I struggle for another moment, the buckle finally shooting out of the slot. I bend back to my original position, clicking the handle to get out of the car. I really hope she doesn't wake up because that's going to be extremely odd for both of us. But she doesn't make a sound while I walk past the front of my car, and to her side of the car. Here we go.

I open her car door very quietly, trying very hard not to disturb her. It clicks open a little louder than appreciated but she stays silent. Her head is very gently tilted and rested against the leather head rest. Please don't wake up. Without another thought, I slide my fingers directly under her ass, my cold rings grazing under her thighs. Just like I thought her skin is so elegant and untouched. But she's definitely not a virgin. No woman looking that hot walks around still innocent. 

I take her in my arms while her legs dangle past my hands. She still has her heels on. I kick the car door shut behind me, as her head unknowingly tucks itself into the warmth of my chest. I let a small audible gasp escape my throat, not sure how to respond. She keeps her fingers latched onto my right shoulder, almost reaching for it. Her fingers trail higher, as they start playing with some of the curls hanging low. I decide to gently set her feet back on the concrete to reach for the knob. Her body stays relaxed against my free shoulder, her mind too foggy to care. She has a reason to not like me, I mean I could've almost killed her. I turn the knob, not sure if the door will open, but to my luck, it does. I keep my hand around her waist, nudging her lower body inside the house. She hums something, I'm not quite sure what, but we finally make it inside the house.

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