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I pry my eyes open as the sunlight blinds me. Why is it so bright in here?

My eyes are watery and my head is killing me. What the hell happened? I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes and revealing that my room is very dim lit with the side table lamp being the only source of light. I widen my eyes and blink again. And then it hits me. Last night.

I groan, dropping my head back to my pillow. Which is when Harry strides in.

"Finally, you're awake." He sets down a glass of water next to me.

I sit up again, "What the hell is happening to me?" 

He picks up the glass and hands it to me, placing a bowl of soup next to my side table lamp. He sighs, taking a seat at the edge of my bed.

"You fainted after we came back home, and you've just been delirious since. This is the first time you've woken up and actually spoken to me. The last three times you just got up, mumbled and fell right back asleep."

I gulp down a big sip of water. My throat is inflamed and my nose is entirely clogged up. I put my hand on my forehead. I'm sweating.

"Harry give me the thermometer." I reach out a little to get my point across.

I thought he would get up and go get it from the bathroom cabinet, but no, he already has it in his hand, along with a soup spoon for my soup. Why is he being so nice? Is it because of last night? Shouldn't he be embarrassed? No I should be. And I am. Gravely.

He turns it on and begins to lift my arm to place it in my arm pit. But I stop him.

"I don't need you to baby me. I can do it myself." I snatch the thermometer out of his hands and place it myself.

I don't need his assistance in anything. I can handle myself. I'm not four. I don't need him to do anything for me.

As soon as it beeps I groan. 102°. Are you kidding me? All I wanted was one night of fun. One god damn night.

I stand up, but Harry grabs my shoulders and starts pushing me backwards. "Why the hell are you getting up? You should be on bed rest for a little while."

"Drop the act Harry. I'm not in the mood for this shit today. Go on with your day and I'll figure it out." I plant my feet on the floor, trudging towards the bathroom.

"Suit yourself." I hear him say. I also hear a tissue box clatter on the floor.

I exhale, almost tripping over my own feet on the way back to bed. My heart pinches and my eyes start watering incredibly. I sneeze three times in a row into my pillow. I watch Harry carry on around the living room as if he heard none of that. Okay, well this is gonna be fine. I'm independent. I asked him to leave. I'm fully capable of taking care of myself. It's gonna be fine.

An hour later, I'm coughing repeatedly and my nose is clogged up to the point where I can't recognize my own voice anymore. Harlow came downstairs after hearing me almost choke on my own coughs. Harry seriously is done with my shit too. Number one, he hasn't said a word about what happened last night, and number two, he hasn't said a word period. He wasn't kidding when he said I should 'suit myself'.

Me and Har have just been sitting here and playing cards for the past forty-five minutes. It's been thirteen hours since Harry hasn't spoken to me. An hour or two ago, Harlow was grabbing a few things from upstairs to entertain me, so I was sitting on my bed in desperation. I had suddenly started sneezing and getting extremely delirious and Harry walked past my room as if he was deaf. Or when I needed a hand to pass over the tissue box since Har was in the bathroom and he again, acted like he was suddenly super interested in my book on the table. I almost regret what I said to him, but I've managed so far without him, so what's another little while?

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