"It is senior year, Naomi. Can you believe that?" I sure can't.

"We're going to be college grads in 10 months." I ramble as I dig through my closet for something to wear tomorrow.

The first day of classes is tomorrow and I am obviously excited.

This summer was the most fun ever! We went camping, hiking, swimming, basically anything you can think of with the group.

Warren and I went on many dates, double dates with Naomi and Dayton.

Plus dance last spring was awesome, we all had a blast. I toss shirts and dresses over my shoulder trying to pick out a good outfit for tomorrow.

"Just wear that little floral milkmaid you have, that would be cute." Naomi suggests from her spot on Warren and I's bed scooping ice cream into her mouth.

"Shit! I gatta go I promised Dayton we would go have lunch today. Love you see you tonight!" She rushes up kissing my cheek and dashing out of the door.

I take Naomi's advice pulling the white and blue milkmaid dress out of the closet.

I tug it off of the hanger tossing the hanger on my bed. I take off my clothes before slipping the dress on.

It's a really cute dress, Maeve got it for me for my birthday.

As I am tying the piece in the front my phone starts to buzz. I pick my phone up off of my desk and Warrens's name and contact picture pop up. I swipe the screen to answer it.

"Hey." I hold the phone up to my face.

"Hey, pretty girl. How's your day so far?" His phone is in what I am assuming is a car phone holder kind of thing.

I walk over to my bed sitting down still holding my phone up. "Pretty good, Naomi just left but we were doing some early school work and trying to figure out outfits for tomorrow. How about you?"

Warren and I may live together but we still get busy sometimes, me with dance and him with basketball but we do a pretty good job at making sure we talk and see each other enough and so on.

"Did you decide on an outfit yet?" He asks glancing down at the screen before looking back to the road.

"I did, but you'll just have to wait to see it till you get home." I want him to focus on the road.

"Fair enough, sorry I had to rush out of there this morning and miss our lunch, coach called a super early practice and team lunch. We can go out for dinner tonight though" We usually eat out for lunch on Sundays, we've been doing it since last year and he does miss them sometimes but I don't mind, it's only every once and a while.

Plus I have missed a few for dance but we always make it up to each other.

"No worries, how far are you?" He looks so cute, his hair blowing around in the wind inside of the car, his pink sunglasses I bought him. He suddenly hangs up, Okay then?

I toss my phone onto my bed stand up walk back to the mirror, and look at the dress a little more, I love this dress so much.

The bedroom door swings open making me jump a little.

Warren stands in the doorway, a bouquet of flowers in hand with his hot pink sunglasses on.

"Wow, you look absolutely stunning." He leans against the door frame tilting his head slightly.

"Thanks, look it has pockets!" I face him putting my hands in my pockets to show him.

"Oh yeah?" He says pushing off the door frame and walking over to me.

I tip my head up going onto  my tippy toes pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Here you go, I saw them at the store on my way home and thought of you."

"You are too sweet, seriously warren. Thank you." He holds them out to me and I take them from his hands.

I hold it up to my nose smelling them, they smell amazing. Just as I was about to pull them away from my nose Warren shoved them back into my face lightly, causing us both to laugh.

I push them up into his face after. He gently grabs them from my hands placing them on the desk next to us.

He comes back to me taking my right hand in his, spinning me slowly around in a circle. We start to sway and dance a little. "I love these glasses on you." I tap the screen on the sunglasses.

"Why thank you." He says pulling them down his nose slightly. I reach up pulling them off his face and placing them on my own. "Where would you like to go for dinner tonight?" we continue to sway to the nonexistent music.

"We should just stay in, make a fort and watch a movie tonight." I love making forts.

"Okay, that sounds fun. Should we run to Target to get snacks and drinks?"

"Is that even a question?"


Also here's the blue floral dress if you want to visualize it this is the inspo I got

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Also here's the blue floral dress if you want to visualize it this is the inspo I got

Also here's the blue floral dress if you want to visualize it this is the inspo I got

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