Final A/N and Announcement

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Can you believe that this story is actually over?? Because I can't. I've poured so much love into this story and it's characters and I hope that it shows.

Thank you for reading and supporting this book and always being interested in seeing more because honestly your support kept me motivated!!

That being said, I do have plans for a sequel book because there is so obviously so many things that still need to be addressed and covered. These characters ARE not done. I still have so many plans for Crescent and Spider and the others. Like we HAVE to see them getting to use their avatars.

I do have another book I'm working on right now (Ethan Landry) that I need to finish first before I will begin to work on the sequel and I want to draft out the story so it won't take as long to publish once I am able to get to it so please be patient and give me a couple months (possibly the whole summer) to get it sorted before I begin posting chapters for the sequel.

I will post updates about it in my conversations tab on my Wattpad profile so if you want to follow along you will see it there!

Again thank you so much for reading, commenting, voting, and overall supporting this story <3

Happy Reading!!

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