Part 2

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Crescent, Lo'ak, Spider, Kiri, and Tuk ran through the forest, looking for the wreckage she had talked about. They had just been hanging out all morning, and Crescent had been careful to pay close attention to Spider, laughing at his jokes and hanging around close to him. He seemed to perk up when she was around. She was glad to spend time with him and the others, they were like her family after all.

Tuk stopped to play with one of the plants, giggling as it tickled her fingers. Crescent smiled, looking back at the youngest Sully. Lo'ak grumbled a bit, "Come on Tuk, keep up."

Crescent grabbed Tuk's hand and gave her an encouraging look as Spider hurried after Lo'ak. He laughed lightly, "Why did you bring her anyway?"

Lo'ak rolled his eyes, "Because she's a crybaby." he started mocking her, "you're not supposed to go to the battlefield. I'll tell mom if you don't let me come." Tuk stuck her tongue out at her older brother.

Kiri scolded Lo'ak and Crescent gave him a look, "Don't pick on her."

They kept going, finding the wreckage of a old sky-people gun ship stuck in the trees. Lo'ak immediately climbed up to check it out, Spider close behind him. Tuk yelled up at them, asking if there were any dead bodies up there, making Crescent laugh. She moved to follow them, but something caught her eye.

She jumped down, getting closer to the forest floor. She tilted her head, confused at what she was looking at, "Uhh Spider?"

"Yeah?" he called back, poking his head out of the aircraft.

"Come look at this."

He jumped down next to her, seeing the large, booted footprints she was pointing to. Spider slid down the tree they were perched on, getting even closer. She followed suit.

"These aren't my dad's," Crescent pointed out, "or any of his team."

Lo'ak finally came down, seeing what they saw, "These are avatars." He said.

"Yeah no kidding," Kiri said, holding onto Tuk's hand.

Lo'ak leaned closer to the ground, inspecting the large footprints and the direction they were going. Crescent looked around. Whoever was here it wasn't the Na'vi and it wasn't Norm and his team. So the only explanation was that the sky-people must have re-instated the avatar program. That definitely wasn't good.

"They went this way," Lo'ak pointed, "come on."

"Wait," Crescent cautioned, "we should be careful, we don't know who they are."

Lo'ak looked back at her, "Then go back, and take my sisters with you."

"Like hell I'm leaving you two out here," she scoffed, "you guys would probably get yourself killed."

Kiri shifted her wait uncomfortably, "Okay, well I'm taking Tuk back to the village. Mom will be worried sick."

Crescent watched them start to head back. Kiri had looked deeply unsettled and it worried her. Kiri's intuition was almost always right, so she was glad that her and Tuk had slipped away. Now if only she could get Lo'ak and Spider to turn back.

"Cress come on," Spider called and she hurried after them.

They followed the tracks, careful to step around the footprints and not in them. She tried to convince Lo'ak to call his dad and tell him but he kept ignoring her. Crescent grumbled, annoyed that he wouldn't respond to her. She just hoped that whoever they were tracking wouldn't discover them. Part of her wanted to call her dad, Norm, but he was out researching in the field today, he probably didn't have his comm on him.

They snuck through the brush coming up on the old battle scene. The wreckage from the old fight between Jake, Neytiri, and Quaritch laying before them on the ground. "Holy shit," Lo'ak whispered.

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