Party time

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It was the morning of your plane ride, it was two days before the streamer awards, and it was early as all hell in the morning. You had quite the plane ride ahead of you. Boarding the plane you texted QT that you were on the plane and when you would land, and all you received back were a bunch of heart emojis. You smiled to yourself as you decided to update some social media, and you posted a story on Insta that you were soon in LA. You then heard the pilot speak over the speakers, so you put your phone on airplane mode and got ready for the flight.

Finally landing in LA, you looked outside at the shining sun and warm weather. You were so happy to finally be here. After getting your luggage you headed for the exit, ready to find an Uber or something to get you to the house, but looking up from your phone you saw Slime standing there just staring right back at you. You laughed and went up to him.

"Why are you here?" you asked with a laugh.

"Why do you think? "To pick you up!"

"But no one said you would be here, I was just going to get an Uber or something."

"Yeah I was the only one available to pick you up and an Uber from here to the house costs a fortune" he Chuckled.

Smiling back you said "Well thank you for saving me that money then."

"No problem, need me to help with your bag?"

"No that's alright, I got it" You said following him towards the car.

The car ride was quite nice, you listened to some nice music and talked a little until you were at the house. Before you could grab your bag, Slime was already on his way into the house with your bag in hand. So you just sprinted after him and followed him in the door. He just beelined to the stairs and showed you to the room. It was nice, it looked cute and cozy. And you could tell that was all because of QT. So you made a mental note to thank her later.

After putting your things down you went back downstairs. You heard laughter coming from a room that you suspected to be the living room, so you followed the voices, and were met with Aiden, Nick, Slime and QT. You walked in and said hi to everyone, they all shouted hi back, except for QT. She stood up and went right over to hug you and told you how excited she was that you were finally here. You smiled and thanked her for letting you stay here and making your room look so nice. After some small talk you asked where Ludwig was, and they all answered that he was Live. Slime did something on his phone and said that you could just go in there if you wanted to. But you said that you didn't want to interrupt him in the middle of the stream. But Slime turned his phone to you so you could see Ludwig just sitting in his chair talking to chat. As slime gave you an idea to just sneak in and surprise him a little bit. Which you thought was a great idea as you turned around and ran to his room. Standing outside his door, you quietly opened the door and sneaked as cartoonishly as you could towards him. Almost standing right beside him, you could see his chat all spam your twitch name.

Which he noticed, and replied "Yeah, she's supposed to get here today, I don't remember when though."

Perfect opportunity to reply "Im already here"

He spun around to look at you and you could see how scared he was as you just started to uncontrollably laugh. He screamed your name and told you in a sad tone how much you scared him. Which just made you laugh harder.

After your laughter had died down, he told you to pull up a chair and sit down. But you told him you didn't want to interrupt if he had something to do.

"Stop being so nice all the time and just sit down!" He yelled a little.

It made you chuckle, but you did as he said and pulled out a chair to sit beside him.

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