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Cisco decided to try to see if I can get drunk at all so he made a drink to see if it will make me drunk. We agreed to have it at the lab in case something goes wrong but I ran off. And now I'm I don't know where.

"Barry" said Leonard.

I turned around and smiled.

"Hey, Lenny" I said hugging him.

"I missed you so much" I said.

Leonard wrapped a arm around me.

"Are you drunk" asked Leonard.

"No, I can't get drunk because I'm the flash" I said.

"You are going to have to walk this off" said Leonard.

"Or run it off because I'm the flash" I said.

"Okay, let's sit you down" said Leonard.

We started walking to and I leaned on Leonard as we did.

"Where we going" I asked.

"To my table" said Leonard.

"Oh so you stole a table. Well I'll have to arrest you because I'm the flash" I said.

"I get it Barry you're fast" said Leonard.

We made it and Leonard sat me down. He sat down across from me. I moved my head and pretended I just ran to the bar and back.

"What was that" asked Leonard.

"I just ran to the bar and took some peanuts" I said.

"You didn't leave your seat" said Leonard.

"Or did I" I said.

Leonard handed me a menu.

"Okay well I'm hungry and you can pay me back when you are sober" said Leonard.

"What if I don't" I said.

"Then I'll steal it" said Leonard as he looked at his menu.

"Well I hide my wallet in my underwear" I said with a smirk.

"You're not the first Barry. Now do you want something or not" asked Leonard.

I took the menu and started looking at it. I can't read this weird writing. What are these symbols? I looked closer. What does this say. I looked at Leonard who seemed to be reading without a problem.

"Can I borrow your menu? This isn't in english" I said.

Leonard took the menu and flipped it. He gave it back and I was now able to read. I was impressed.

"Oh wow, that was like magic. I didn't know you are a meta human" I said.

I looked at the options on the menu. Oh my god chicken wings. I looked at the chicken wings and read about them as I started crying.

"Barry" asked Leonard.

"I'm sorry. I just, I just love chicken wings so much" I said as I cried.

"Maybe you should marry them" said Leonard.

"Nooo, I'm gay so I can't marry girls" I whined.

Leonard seemed confused. He put his menu down.

"What" asked Leonard.

"Everyone knows chickens are girls and cocks are boys. So I can't marry a chicken wing I would marry a cock wing because I, like it up the ass" I explained.

Leonard snickered. A waitress walked over to the table.

"Are you two ready, is everything okay" they asked when they saw my face.

"I love chicken wings" I said crying.

"I apologize for my boyfriend. He had a little too much to drink tonight" said Leonard.

The waitress understood and promised that we have chicken wings.

"Hey, did you know, that I'm the flash" I asked.

"Sure" said the waitress.

After taking our order they left to give the kitchen our order. I looked at Leonard.

"Can we have chicken wings at our wedding" I asked.

"Let me steal you a ring first" said Leonard.

After the food came we ate with me crying about how much I love chicken wings. Leonard paid for the food and then took me to his place. I passed out on the bed.

I woke up with a headache and noticed I'm naked. Where am I? I barely remember last night. I sat up and noticed this isn't my room. Shit, I looked and saw Leonard Snart in the bed. Did we? I lifted the blanket and saw I'm naked. Oh no.

I quickly got up and started changing. Leonard got up and I tried to cover myself as I put my underwear on but I tripped.

"Are you okay Barry" asked Leonard.

I got up and pulled my underwear up.

"Yes, I'm sorry for the sex last night. I was drunk. Not that I don't want to have sex with you" I started.

"Barry" said Leonard.

"Ya" I said.

"We didn't have sex. Consent is a huge importance to me" said Leonard.

"Then why am I naked" I asked.

"You mean you don't remember waking up last night and coming to the living room and yelling it's too hot in this 5 star hell hole. Then you came back to bedroom, stripped naked, and hogged the bed until you got lonely and came back to the living room demanding cuddles" said Leonard.

"Oh, I have to go. Cisco is probably freaking out. And thank you, for babysitting me" I said.

"I'll take 25 dollars for my time" said Leonard. 

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