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I was at work going over some cases when Iris walked in. She seems happy today. Iris was holding something behind her.

"Hey you" said Iris happily.

"Hey, what happened? Did your story make front page" I asked.

"No, even better" said Iris with a smile.

"What" I asked.

Iris handed me the letter she held behind my back. I took it and opened it. There is a few papers. I started reading.

Dear: Barry Grant Allen,

I am pleased to tell you that you are one of the two guy men in Central City to win the free apartment E114. The key is in the letter and you can move in when ever you want. Your roommate is L,

I didn't care to read the rest.

"Oh my god, yes, this is so exciting" I said happily jumping up from my seat.

"I know, maybe your new roommate will be more then a roommate" said Iris.

I blushed.

"No, he probably has a boyfriend" I said trying to hide the blush. I would love a boyfriend though.

"Or maybe he is single. What does his file say" asked Iris.

I grabbed the paper that was about him and looked.

"Uh, his dad is in prison, guess we have that in common. Oh he has a sister named Lisa. He gives her vitamins every morning but pretends it's a fruit snack. Mother is remarried and in England. His job is plan maker of own company. Ooh and his hobbies are bowling, watching cop shows, cooking, and building tools for his company" I said.

"You should invite him bowling with us one day" said Iris.

"Maybe I will actually have a challenge this time" I said.

"Hey, Mr Allen did you forget who won last time" asked Iris.

"That doesn't count. Your boyfriend got punched in the face by a mugger so I let you win" I said.

"Okay, believe what you want" said Iris.

I kept reading the file.

"It says that he has a friend named Mick but he is single. Looking for a cute boy who isn't afraid of getting dirty or a fight. Likes the cold, his cooking, and lots of, cuddles" I said.

"By the way you said cuddles I assume it's more then cuddles" said Iris.

"Yes, naked cuddles" I said.

It's sex.

"Well anyway what time are you going to go move in" asked Iris.

"Well I still have a lot to pack but tonight I can bring a few things and paint my room. Plus we can meet my roommate" I said.

"Great, I'll see you then. I have to go back to work soon. I'm on lunch break right now" said Iris.

She left and I went back to work. I worked the rest of the day with excitement. I can't wait to see my new apartment and roommate. I wonder if they are a fan of the Flash. After work was finally over I met up with Iris and we went to the new apartment.

"Looks like your roommate already has a welcome mat by the door" said Iris.

"Here we go" I said.

I unlocked the door opened it. Iris and I froze we we saw Leonard and Mick sitting on chairs in the apartment.

"He is the new roommate" asked Mick.

"Yes, hello Barry" said Leonard.

Iris and I entered the roommate.

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here now" said Leonard.

"No, I live here with my new, are we in the wrong apartment" I asked.

"Relax you are in the correct apartment. I thought that you would of read the file" said Leonard.

I grabbed the papers and looked at the file on my roommate. Leonard Snart. I can't believe I missed that.

"Before I forget, I made some hot chocolate for a guest. Do either of you want any? And yes we have marshmallows" said Leonard. 

ColdFlashTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon