A Flash of Hell

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I ran over to the bank as fast as I could. There was a rubbery and I was sent to go investigate the crime scene. I grabbed my ID and badge. I showed it to the guard and was let threw.

"I'm here" I said running up to my boss.

My boss turned to face me.

"Yes, the red hood. You know when I heard the aliens switched from cosplaying as Marvel to DC heroes I was hopping we would have the flash. Or at least a hood that isn't slow" said my boss.

"Calm down, my son was running a errand for me. Did you get me what I asked for" asked my father.

"Ya, I left it on your desk" I said.

I walked over to the tire tracks and started to inspect them. I grabbed my note pad and started looking threw the tire prints to see what it matches to. I keep a lot of notes. Rear super wide tires, 12 inches, with asymmetrical tread, and what ever the brown stuff is. The tires match a Shelby car. I sat up.

"The gat away car is a Mustang Shelby GT500. Shelby's have a rear super wide tire specific to the model. 12 inches with a asymmetrical tread. And there is something else" I said.

I put my note pad away and grabbed a small arrow from my sleeve. I picked up some stuff with the arrow. It looks like poop.

"It's probably poop. Animal hopefully" I said putting the arrow in a evidence bag.

"Anything else" asked my boss.

I looked around the scene again to double check.

"No, that's everything. I will have the poop tested and we can use that to track where the Martin brothers have been" I said.

"Just make sure you wash that arrow when you are finished before using it again" said my boss.

He left with a few others. I stood up.

"I'm going to head back and help CSI test the poop sample. Do they need me here to help close up the scene" I asked.

"No, they got it from here. You should head back. The sooner you finishing testing the poop the sooner you can visit star labs to watch the accelerator turn on" said my father.

I smiled and started running back the csi lab.


"SORRY" I yelled back.

I kept running and made sure to look both ways before crossing another street. I made it back and gave the poop and notes I took to CSI to test.

"Thanks, we got it from here" said Karl.

"You sure, I can help if you want" I said.

"No, you have plenty to do" said Karl.

I left the lab annoyed. It feels like no one here trust me. I mean to be fair I do where a mask since they don't know who I am. I went to my lab in the basement. After the agreement to work with the police the station cleared out a old storage room for us to use as a base. Our identities can stay a secret but we now operate under law.

Meaning no more sneaking around and only going after proven criminals. I guess it's better then being arrested like how most of the city wanted at first. I sat in a chair and turned on a computer. I went to the news and saw a reporter outside of STAR labs giving a report on the accelerator.

"Dr. Wells, is there anything you can tell us about your accelerator" asked the reporter.

"Yes, my accelerator is made with the finest alien technology. I have no doubt that it will change the universe for the better" said Dr. Wells. 

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