A Day in Starling

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I was at home packing for my trip when there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to see my boyfriend Leonard standing there.

'Hey, what are you doing here" I asked.

"I heard you have food poisoning, so I figured that as your boyfriend I should take care of you today. I got you some soup" said Leonard as he held up the food.

"Thanks but, I don't actually have food poisoning" I said.

Leonard put the food down.

"Not like you to play hookie Barry" said Leonard.

"I know, but I want to go to Starling to check out a case that happened there" I said as I let my boyfriend in.

"Well, in that case I'll tag along" said Leonard.

"I'm just going for work" I said.

"And as your boyfriend I'm tagging along. Plus it was the first city in the state to allow gay marriage and I heard there are a few romantic spots in the city" said Leonard.

"Fine, as long as we aren't going to Oliver Queen's night club. They don't have a good history with gay people" I said as I went back to packing.

""I promise, but Oliver did come out as pansexual" said Leonard as he helped me pack.

"I guess five years on a island really can change someone" I said.

We finished packing and headed to the train station. While waiting for the train I bought a magazine that talked about the partical accelerator turning on in a few days.

"Why are so excited about that machine" asked Leonard.

"Harrison Wells' work is light years ahead of anything we have seen" I said.

"Meaning" asked Leonard.

"There is so much that we can learn from the accelerator. Advancements in medicine, technology, and many other exciting things" I said happily.

Leonard smiled and wrapped his arm around me as he kissed my cheek.

"You're such a cute nerd Barry" said Leonard.

"How do you not understand what I just said" I asked.

"I understood, I'm just not a nerd like you" said Leonard.

"Oh so I'm a nerd" I said.

"Nerds are sexy, especially mine" said Leonard.

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. We waited a few hours for the train. As usual it was late. I'm always late. Leonard jokes saying I need super speed. Some how I think I would still be late. Leonard and I got on the train and sat by the window. I explained the case to him in Starling before taking a nap.

"Barry" said Leonard tapping my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were in Starling.

"We are almost there" said Leonard.

"Okay" I said.

I rubbed my eyes and noticed that I had Leonard's coat laying over me. He must of put it on me while I was asleep. That's nice of him. When the train stopped we got off and started heading to the crime scene. Leonard and I had to share a umbrella since it started to rain. I tried to get a taxi with no luck. A car drove past us and ended up splashing us.

"Great" I said sarcastically.

Leonard and I kept running to the location. I'm late, as usual. It was at a building that the Queen family owns. I started looking around and kept a eye on my boyfriend. Leonard tends to get into trouble. He mostly just looked around.

"The rest must of came in after" said cop.

"Actually it was only one guy" I said.

Everyone turned to to look at me and Leonard. Leonard put the tape that he picked up down. 

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