Chapter Nine

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Elenora's Point of View

The light shines through the curtains as I sit up in the bed.  I look over and check the time, and realize that it already the afternoon. The most I've slept in a while. Ever since the car accident with Mamma I haven't been able to get any sleep, I miss her and I failed my family.

I slowly get out of the bed and go to the bathroom to get ready. I splash the cold water on my face and get ready to face my bio brothers. They said that they didn't know about me, but why? Today I'm going to figure that out. I walk out of the room and try to find my way down to the kitchen, I wish I got a tour last night, well this morning. After about five minutes of walking I finally found the staircase at the entrance of the house. Before I could walk down, a large hand pulls me back, and I brace myself for a hit that never comes. I slowly open my eyes and see a person, who I am guessing is my brother, standing in front of me with a judgmental look on his face.

"Who the fuck are you" he asks. Before I could answer, he hold up his hand to stop me and continues to talk. "Let me guess you're one of the twins hook ups. You look a little younger than them though. Anyways I don't care please get out of my house and don't take anything. Dante doesn't like when people are snoops, or when the twins bring girls over."

"But I-" I start to say before I was interrupted by a voice behind us.

"Antonio let go of her" Dante says, and immediately he does. I move off to the side not wanting to be in whatever argument is about to start between the two of them.

"Who is she, and why is she here?" Antonio asks with crossing his arms and not even sparing me a glance.

"She's our sister" Dante says with no emotion.

"What? How?" Antonio says seeming shocked by the news. He eyes grows wider as Dante explains what happened last night as if I'm not standing right next to him on the staircase. I have no idea where I was going when I first left the room but I decided to just slowly back away. Both Dante and Antonio seem mad when discussing me and it's making my heart race, scared what they will do if the realize I was still here. As soon as I get halfway down the stairs, I heard footsteps coming closer, and I gripped onto the hand rail until my knuckles turned white and closed my eyes. I felt a light tap on my shoulders and forced myself to turn around.

"Hey I'm sorry, kid, I shouldn't have been so rude" Antonio says with a look of concern in his eyes. "How about you follow me to the kitchen and I make you something to eat?" I silently nod as I realize that's where I was going originally and allow him to lead me down the stairs.

"Please sit down at the island, I can make you whatever you want" Antonio says.

"I don't know, whatever's fine" I say under my breath, looking no down as Antonio looks in the pantry.

"No it's not, only the best for my little sister, who apparently I have missed out on seventeen years of spoiling" he says as as he turns around to look at me. "Ah how about some rigatoni con vodka?" I send and stuff nod as he starts to pull out the ingredients.

I sit there silently as he makes my food, he asked a few questions but after several of my short responses, I think he understood I really didn't want to talk.

I really miss Mamma I can't believe I got her killed.

*** Flashback***

I heard gunshots going off while I was chained to the chair. My heart starts to race as I hope it is my family coming to rescue me, I pull at the chains but feel pain spread all throughout my body. I don't know how long it had been but I know Luke and his father aren't here anymore. I overhear one of their soldiers coming in and mentioning some emergency where they had to leave the warehouse.

Soon enough the door opened and light poured in as I squinted to get a better view. I see one of my family's men in full gear running in the dark room.

"El is that you?!" He asks as he starts to carefully untie my not wanting to hurt my cuts more.

"A-Aiden?" I say, my voice raspy form almost a day without food and water.

"Yeah, we are gonna get you out of here, your brothers and dad are here too. Can you stand?" I nod my head and attempt to get up but fail, collapsing to the ground. Aiden ends up picking me up and I hear him say something into the ear piece I can't quite understand.

Eventually we make it outside the compound where I am gently place into the back of the van on someone's lap, and I am try to scramble away until I hear the voice. "Shh, you're okay, you're okay" Collin says and I instantly calm down.

"We're gonna get you home El, alright?" I nod as I start to calm down in my brothers arms.

"Momma? I she waiting at home?" I ask as I look up at my brothers face. I can tell from how his jaw ticks and his long swallow it wasn't the answer I was hopping for.

"No, no" I saw to myself as I start to cry. I feel the jolt of the van starting to move, as I try to get out of my brothers arm. They all are trying to say something to me but I can't quite hear it over my shaking.




I snap out of my thoughts as I realize Antonio is calling my name. I look up at him and realize he's trying to hand me the plate. I say thanks and take it. The more I try to remember the day I was rescued the more it blends together, whether it was Collin or Aiden who rescued me I was so out of it, but one thing I do remember is the feeling of my heart shattering, as I heard that Momma died because I was behind the wheel.

"Smells good in here" I hear from the doorway and look up to see that it is Federico and Francesco. They start to grab bowls for themselves before Antonio stops them.

"Well to bad you to already had lunch, beside there's only enough for Elenora and Nico who getting home soon" Antonio says as he starts to prepare a thief bowl.

"Nico?" I ask assuming it's another brother of mine.

"Yeah, Nico, he's your other brother, just a year older than you" I nod "he's, god where is he again?" Asks Federico.

"He's at rehearsals, it's tech week, he's tech crew at the school, remember?" Francesco says at his brother annoyed. Federico roll his eyes in response before getting out cereal instead.

Just then someone new walks into the kitchen, with headphones on. Antonio signal for him to take out the headphones which he does before briefly looking over at me.

"This is our sister, Elenora, apparently she was not a still born as we were led to believe by mom's friend. She was-" Antonio starts to say before Nico puts on his head phones nods, grabs the food and walks away.

"You're welcome!" Antonio screams, aware that Nico can't hear him.

"So is that all of you?" I ask to which my brothers shake their heads.

"Matteo, the third oldest is at work at the hospital, you'll see him tomorrow" I nod and continue to eat, thinking that at least the start of today wasn't as bad as I thought

Thank you so much to all of you who have read my story and this chapter!

I know it's been a while since I've posted but now that I'm on summer break I hope to post a little bit more.

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