3 「A N G E R E D - A R G U I N G」 1

Start from the beginning

"Jake!" Bella called out for him before Catherine could, causing the bunny girl to look over at her with anger rewritten back on her face.

And seeing Catherine looking her way, Bella's gaze almost immediately moved away from her younger cousin, the human not able to take the harsh glare, Catherine.

"Are you fucking insane," Catherine asked angrily as she looked down at her cousin, she was so tempted to kick the girl whilst she was down. "you're just an idiotic, selfish, judgmental, bitch that doesn't care about anyone but yourself!"

With that, Catherine ran a hand over her face, before she quickly started following Jacob, the girl trying to walk as fast as she could without breaking into an actual sprint.

"Jake, wait please!" Catherine called out as lowly as she could, she didn't want to draw too much attention to them as the other movie theaters started to empty.

And despite hearing her words, Jacob continued to walk forwards the anger in his chest building up so much it was causing his chest to start hurting.

"I swear it's not what it sounds like, please!" Catherine continued to shout after him as she finally made it to his side, the girl quick to grab at his arm.

"You cheated on me," Jacob said swiftly pulling his arm out of her hands as he turned back to her, the boy getting loud without a care due to his anger. "with Paul fucking Lahote!"

"I didn't sleep with him!" Catherine rebutted quickly as she stomped her foot, she just wanted to explain it all to him, not the little part that Bella'd listened to.

"Then what did you do," Jacob asked trying to restrain his anger, he didn't want to blow up at the girl, he just wanted to know the truth. "what was it that you couldn't tell me?"

"I was gonna tell you," Catherine almost immediately started to explain as she looked up at him, tears starting to fill her eyes but not falling. "but then Bella suggested this movie thing, I was gonna tell you as soon as we left, I'm sorry.

"What was it?" Jacob asked after a few seconds as he looked down at her with his arms crossed, he wanted nothing other than to comfort the girl as he saw the tears in her eyes.

Yet he knew he shouldn't, at least he thought he shouldn't, in his mind she should have told him early, matter of fact she shouldn't have even been near Paul Lahote.

Although there was no way to change the past as of right now, so until he could get his mind clear he would

"It was nothing, just a stupid idiotic moment," Catherine spoke as she lowered her head, tears threatening to run down her face but she held them. "we didn't kiss or fuck, it was just a moment."

Looking the girl over, Jacob knew she was telling the truth, but he didn't think it was right to just forgive her right away, he needed to let her stew a bit.

It was only right.

"Take me home." He spoke after a few seconds of silence, his words causing her to look up at him quickly despite him looking off to voice eye contact with her.

"I swear nothing happened." Catherine repeated herself as she didn't think he believed her, she didn't know what to do at this point.

"I know, I just need a few hours," He told her simply as he continued to avoid eye contact, he didn't want to give in to her tear-filled face. "you lied to me, Catherine."

Hearing him calling her by her biological name, Catherine's legs almost went out as the tears in her eyes began to fall down her face rapidly.

"Catherine," She repeated her name to him out of fear and confusion, the girl was quick to stop her foot as her chest began convulsing as she panted. "no, no, no."

Taking a step closer to the boy, Catherine put her hands out trying to get the boy to look at her, see her, and treat her like he used to despite this horrible misunderstanding.

"I'm Bunny, please don't call me anything other than that," She continued to say as she pointed at herself, she regretted not telling him earlier now. "nothing happened I swear."

"But you wanted something to happen," Jacob spoke up about how Catherine had felt at that moment, his words causing the girl to go silent proving him right. "take me home."

With that the boy turned away from her, once again beginning to leave the theater as he didn't want to be there anymore, he just wanted to go home.

Especially since his chest had started getting hotter and hotter, it started to hurt and bother him the longer it lasted and the angrier he had gotten.

"Jake-" Catherine called out to him once again, trying to get him to stop and understand, although she was only cut off by the boy as he glanced back towards her.

"Seriously," Jacob repeated himself as he glanced back at her, the tears on her face causing his chest to hurt even more than it already did. "I don't feel too good right now."

Hearing his words, Catherine knew she had no reason to question him as she just dropped her head and followed after him, the girl not knowing what was going to happen to her relationship now.

She just knew that her family relationship with Bella was never going to be the same again.

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