5. A Rocky Rivalry

Start from the beginning

Lily looks at her watch, and then replies. "It's 4:42 pm." she tells him. Alex's eyes widen as he realizes what that means, and lets out a frustrated groan.

"Now I'm gonna be late to Alice's place again..." Alex complains, rolling his eyes as he can already imagine what Alice's expression will be when she sees him arrive so late.

Lily just looks at him. "Oh yeah, you're on her team for the science project, aren't you? How's that going anyway?" Lily asks him.

Alex just sighs. "Oh, you don't wanna know." Alex tells her. He then rearranges his hairstyle with his hands to mimic Alice's hairstyle, stands upright and then makes a serious, with a haughty frown. He then begins to speak, imitating Alice's tone of voice. "Oh Alex, you're so irresponsible! You're always out saving people instead of focusing on our science project!" He exclaims lifting his index finger up high, causing Lily to giggle a bit.

"Wow, does she really sound like that?" Lily asks him.

Alex lets his hair return to its normal style, and then shrugs. "Well, most of the time at least." Alex replies. "Don't get me wrong, she can be nice at times, but heh... sometimes she does get a bit annoying." Alex adds, chuckling a bit.

Lily giggles along. "Well, in that case I'd better let you go do your work. I've got some news to write about. See you later!" Lily says, as she keeps writing down the events that took place at the scene. Alex nods, and flies away, heading for Alice's house.

Upon arriving, Alex knocks on the door. A few seconds later, the door opens, revealing a not very happy Alice. "I thought you weren't going to even show up today." Alice tells him.

Alex chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head. "I'm sorry, okay? There was a robbery in Gloria's Jewelry. A group called the Bandit Brothers." Alex told her.

Alice just sighs. "Well, at least you're here." Alice tells him. "Come in, we've got work to do. Tommy and I were already making some progress in the meantime." Alice explains, letting Alex in.

Alex follows Alice to her basement laboratory, where Tommy is finishing one of the parts they need for the project. "Alex, you're here!" Tommy exclaims, smiling wide as he gets up from his seat and runs over to where Alex is.

"Yeah, sorry for being late. I went to stop a robbery at the jewelry store." Alex explains.

Alice, however, seems to be thinking about something. "You know, it's kind of weird that only you have powers." Alice finally said, catching Alex and Tommy's attention.

"I think we all agree it's kind of weird that I could get super powers in the first place." Alex replies. "But since it happened, I'm just gonna make the most of it." He adds with a grin.

Alice shakes her head. "No, I mean... that lab accident that caused you to gain your powers in the first place." Alice tells him. "That radiation hit everyone in a wide radius. I get that the chances for someone's DNA to be as drastically affected by it to develop powers aren't exactly high, but one would expect there to be more than one instance of it happening." Alice explains.

Alex just shrugs. "Well, what can I say? Maybe I really am the only one that got powers." Alex says. "Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it's impossible, right?" he adds.

"I guess so..." Alice responds, though she looks at her computer. "I might want to do some more research about it later." Alice says, before looking back at Tommy and Alex. "Ok guys, let's get back to work. There's still a lot to do." Alice tells them, and the three get working on their project.

Meanwhile, in another area, on the outskirts of Peachwood, a tall, muscular teenager is relaxing under a tree. Just an inch or two over six feet tall, with dark brown hair. As the teenager rests under the tree's shade, he looks at the clouds in the sky, but he notices something strange coming closer to him. Something that looks almost like a flying saucer.

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