Chapter 69-70

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Chapter 69

Yun Xiaolu obediently listened to her mother scolding her without revealing her older brother's involvement. She also prevented Zhao Yueji from serving her hot food. After eating and drinking to her heart's content, she summed up with a conclusion of being "loyal and filial," then quickly went to sleep.

This year, the Yun family had many tasks of visiting relatives during the Lunar New Year. However, considering Yun Da's recent marriage, all these tasks fell on Yun Da and Shen Tian. The young couple rushed around visiting relatives every day until the beginning of the Lantern Festival when they finally had a break.

Yun Yi stayed at her parents' home until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. This year, she was pregnant and afraid of exerting herself, so Wang Yuemin had already informed everyone that they wouldn't be receiving guests for now. After all, Yun Yi had gone back to her parents' home to rest and take care of her pregnancy.

This was Yun Yi's lazy way of avoiding responsibilities. In her parents' home, she not only didn't have to worry about anything, but even Kang Kang was taken care of by her younger sister. If she didn't have to go to work, she wouldn't even want to go back home.

"Mom, can't I just stay at Grandma's house?" Little Kang Kang expressed his reluctance to go to kindergarten.

"That won't work. We'll come to Grandma's house during the holidays." Yun Yi felt that she couldn't be so cruel, leaving her son at her mother's house all the time. Her parents might be happy about it, but it would be difficult for her sisters. Xiaolu seemed quite exhausted these past few days.

"Kang Kang, you have to behave well in kindergarten. I heard the teachers give out little red flowers as rewards, right?" Before leaving, Yun Xiaolu couldn't resist teasing her nephew. After all, everyone knew that Kang Kang was frustrated about not receiving many little red flowers last year.

"Auntie, you're mean!" Wang Kang Kang now expressed that he didn't want to stay at Grandma's house anymore. His aunt was not cute at all, and he didn't want to be nice to her!

Successfully sending off the little troublemaker, Yun Xiaolu felt that the sky became bluer and the clouds became whiter. She approached her daily study tasks during the winter vacation with great enthusiasm.

"Sisters, have you been studying so diligently all this time?" Shen Tian noticed in these past few days that her sisters-in-law would spend a considerable amount of time studying at the table, even during the Lunar New Year. After all, it was supposed to be a festive time!

Yun Da was not very aware of the changes in the family, but he knew that his younger sister was an excellent student. But when did even Xiaoe become so diligent? So, when Yun Da discovered that his sisters were being led by his younger sister in this study mode, and she was even urging Xiaodou, who was miles away, to study, he couldn't help but feel amazed.

"Big brother, do you think we'll ever resume taking the college entrance examination?" When Yun Da saw Yun Xiaolu's perplexed gaze, she dropped a bombshell.

Yun Da, besides being shocked, was still shocked by his younger sister's question. "What did you hear?"

Yun Xiaolu shook her head, but she quickly brought out a pile of clippings. "My sisters and I have been reading newspapers for half a year, and we feel that the country has been changing a lot recently. So, would education also change?"

Yun Xiaolu's keen insight almost left Yun Da astounded. Actually, he had heard some versions of the rumors about the restoration of the college entrance examination before the New Year, but they were all speculations. Whether this matter would actually happen and when it would happen still needed further verification.

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