Chapter 11-12

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Chapter 11

Zhao Yueji was taken aback by this question. She had only seen the complete teaching mode from her grandfather and father; she had never encountered learning a single topic like this.

If it wasn't for learning pharmaceutical preparation, it probably wouldn't take so long just to recognize the appearance of some common herbs.

"But how are you going to recognize them?" She couldn't take her daughter around to search for each one individually, especially since there were many she wasn't familiar with.

Yun Xiaolu didn't answer this question, but Xun Nianyun already knew the answer in the main brain space.

In the late evening, Yun Xiaolu heard the system asking in her mind, "Do you want the system to teach you about medicinal herbs?"

Yun Xiaolu felt that "loving to learn" was indeed the worm in her belly. Just as she came up with this good idea, "loving to learn" had already guessed it.

"Do you also think this idea is great?" Yun Xiaolu felt that she was so clever to come up with this solution that would not only allow her to complete tasks and earn points but also make money.

"Wild medicinal herbs are scattered in their growth, and valuable ones are not commonly found. Many require spending a lot of time and long-distance travel to search for them. According to your current environment, there are probably hundreds of wild medicinal herbs in the surrounding mountains. Even if you're lucky enough to encounter all of them, it would take one or two years to achieve error-free recognition and proficient harvesting. So, for these one or two years, you would have to spend all your free time on this."

Xun Nianyun believed that unless her mother wanted to become a medical expert, she would never support her mother in wasting her time just to earn a little money.

Of course, Yun Xiaolu never thought of studying medicine. She just felt that when she usually dug wild vegetables, it was to feed the rabbits, and feeding the rabbits was to earn money for the family. So, if she dug some medicinal herbs along with the vegetables, wouldn't she be able to earn money as well?

Xun Nianyun acknowledged the logic behind this, but the problem was that she didn't have the time to learn to identify and search for so many herbs.

Moreover, valuable herbs usually don't grow nearby. It's possible that she would have to go into the mountains, which would not only consume time but also pose dangers.

"Is it really that troublesome?" The small flame in Yun Xiaolu's heart was about to be extinguished, but then she thought of something.

"Since 'loving to learn' knows so much, do you know where the herbs grow?"

Yun Xiaolu felt that her divine system was incredibly powerful. If it could help her learn about plants, it could also tell her where the valuable herbs in the vicinity were, right?

If she couldn't remember so much, she could simply choose not to earn points, right?

Xun Nianyun paused for a while before speaking, "Yun Xiaolu, I've noticed that you suddenly became clever, and it's a bit scary."

Those 80 points were well worth it. Xun Nianyun's train of thought suddenly advanced to the point where she could manipulate the system. It was truly a great value!

"Don't you know? Or are you not allowed to tell me? If you can't do it, then forget I said anything."

Yun Xiaolu sensed a hint of resentment in the tone of "loving to learn." She thought that her greedy little idea had gone too far and upset the system.

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