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It was a cold rainy night. Brie, a human, was just minding her own business when some boys dragged into a random alley. They stripped her of her sweater and boots leaving her in only a small vest and shorts. She groaned, knowing she had no chance of catching up to them due to her asthma condition. In defeat, she made her a way to large dumpster and sat down, trying to muster the remaining warmth she had.

Meanwhile, Cherry, a large predator, was somewhat stalking her on the roof, waiting for his golden opportunity.

Brie shivered, the cold already taking a toll on her. She felt dizzy, like she was about to faint but held her consciousness together. She couldn't sleep now. Not here. Definetly not here.

Cherry sat down there, patiently waiting for her to faint or fall asleep. Being the eldritch horror that he is, he started to emit a sound to make her drowsy.

Brie looked around. She started to hear weird noises. They were almost calming in a way. She yawned. In no time, she was out cold.

Cherry descended from the roof. "Bingo~" He said smiling to himself. He was obviously pleased. He wasted no time. He shoved Brie into his maw, his four tongues helping the process go along.

Brie suddenly felt herself being encased in a wet, slimy substance. She opened her eyes. She was never much of a deep sleeper. She scaled her surroundings. She wasn't around the dumpster anymore. She was surrounded by some pink,wet and slimy place. She placed her hands on his stomach walls. 

"Where am I?" She wondered aloud.

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