As I said that I walked towards the door when suddenly Anya ran towards me and clutch my leg.

" Adventure! "

"It's not an adventure! It's just shopping!"

" I also want to go out. I haven't been this area after all"

I look up and saw y/n walking towards us. I guess they don't want to be left here. I guess it's fine, this can be their rewards and it'll be a good idea if they get to be familiar with their surrounding.

Timeskip brought to you by y/n and Anya annoying the shit out of Loid.


Anya, Loid and I are finally in outside. Walking aimlessly while Anya skips and looks around in excitement. Suddenly she took a few steps ahead of us before saying that she wanted a gun with a silencer.

Loid told her that she could have one if they have one on sale. He also asked me if there's anything I wanted but I just told him that I'll just ask him if there's anything that caught my eye to which she just nodded before patting my head.

I smiled warmly at him before holding Anya's hand so she wouldn't get lost.

In the anime, Loid is should probably be thinking like this now 'Never stand out, and always act normal. The essence of espionage! We must appear as a most ordinary parent and child'  before getting snap back to reality by Anya yelling for help.

And just like that Anya and I got pushed by the crowd leaving and end entering the bus. Anya yells at Loid for help but before he could get near a nice aunt guided us out of the crowd and unto Loid's.

"Oh dear, you really ought to keep a hold of your children. Here, hold their hands like this" she said as she put my hands on loid's and Anya's hand on mine.

"Sorry dad, we got swept by the crowd." I told him as I looked down in 'guilt'.

"It's fine, but be careful next time. You too Anya"



As we continue to walk I noticed Anya staring at Loid with a curious look before morphing into an alarm one and breaking from my hold. She then proceeds to find somewhere to hide but before she could I fastly grab a hold of her hand.

"Anya? What are you doing? You can't break off just like that" I told her as I pat her head gently giving her a worried but assuring smile.

"Anya is taking cover!" She half shouted looking side to side before crouching and covering her head with one arm.

Loid proceeded to go near us but halted as she heard what Anya said. He's probably thinking that it's he's fault that Anya did that and that he needed to understand her for the sake of the mission.

When I noticed that Anya was about to talk I hurriedly carried her and walk towards Loid before setting her down again and holding her hands.

"She probably got startled by something" I told Loid as I smile at him knowingly. "Why don't you buy her something dad. Anya's favorite is peanuts and she hates carrots. Except that she'll eat just about anything.... "

Ah wait, she also don't like Yor's cooking.

" Anyway why don't you buy her something to eat and stuff? "

A Spy, An Assassin, A Telepath, And A Reader (Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now