[He's Staying.. for now]

213 6 2

3rd Person

Both Yelena and Mason sat in the car, the silence overwhelming. "W-would you like to come to the park? Maybe we get a McDonalds or some food then head back?", Yelena questioned still stunned at the no answer, I mean she didn't exactly know what to do in this situation did she?

He nodded and Yelena started up the car heading for food first, drive through only though. They got Fanny some water and a couple treats Yelena had in her car for her as they walked through the park. Mason was throwing a ball for Fanny as she chased it. The blonde pulled out her phone and clicked on Kate's name and sent a photo of Mason and Fanny the message saying 'There was no answer so I left a note. Do I bring him back?'

Kate soon replied with a sad face and of course said bring him back with the question 'Want me to tell the others?' Yelena hurried to text back that no she would before checking the time and calling Mason and Fanny to head back to the car. "Are we going back now? I'm sleepy.", Mason yawns with fanny sitting in his lap also tired. Yelena nods and drives off heading fro the compound.

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"So I'm thinking for the meeting we go over what we know, get a plan ready", Steve told Sam and Bucky as they got back training and headed for the lounge. The three kept quiet once they saw Kate, Yelena and Mason all fast asleep on the sofa, "How's the kid still here?"

Sam shrugged while Bucky voiced his thoughts, "Maybe there was no answer."

"Yeah there wasn't so Lena brought him back", Kate spoke, wide awake but still having Yelena lay on her chest and Mason on her back.

Sam smiled, "You know, she really is a big softie." Steve chuckled while Bucky and Kate agreed.

Some other avengers soon woke up and entered the lounge this included Valkyrie, Nat and Wanda who had grins, Tony, Pepper and Clint. "Well they sure look cozy, happy little family.", Valkyrie cooed toward them as Kate hid her face.

"How is the little guy back anyways?", Wanda questioned as she moved some hair out of his face.

Kate explained about the no answer not really knowing anything else before Yelena added, "We did leave a note with a number, don't think they called." Yelena didn't dare move as she felt the weight of the boy on her back so she ended up staying on Kate's chest no matter how red both of them got.

"I'm so gonna tell Alexie and Melina about this", Natasha smirked to herself and Yelena grumbled something about Wanda which resulted in Nat being grumpy and tell her to shut up.

Fanny and Lucky soon came in and bombarded the two girls who were quickly up, wide awake. Kate holding Mason in the air away from the licks of Fanny and Lucky,  "Well you look like a happy family", Sam says walking in with a newspaper in hand, Val agreeing.

Before wither girls could speak Wanda chimed in, "I can see you two getting old together,  dogs sat at your feet when your out on your porch on a cool morning."  Nat smirked next to her as both girls got redder muttering something about Wanda talking about her and Nat.

"That does sound nice though- minus the dogs", Tony spoke smiling. Pepper glanced his way a small smile on her lips imaging what that would be like. "Happy would need to come too", Soon Peppers smile faded and turned to a face palm.

Kate answered, "I think I'd like a farm better maybe." Some snickered after seeing Yelena next to her smiling like a kid. "What? It would be amazing, growing your own food, having your own land", She beamed dragging out the 'a'. "I could have a horse!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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