[American Pie]

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(DISCLAIMER- I'm calling it Avengers compound but just imagine it's in New York)

Yelena's POV

"Come on, Fanny", I say grabbing my yellow and black coat (One from Black Widow movie) and follow after Kate who had just left with Pizza dog on a walk. I walk out catching up to her with Fanny by my side, no leash though she doesn't need it. Soon enough I'm walking by her side, "Hi." She chuckles a little and let's out a hello back, "So where are we going?"

"Well where do you want to go?", She says as Fanny walks in front and Pizza dog by her leg.

"You pick", I say as she starts to think.

Soon enough her face lights up with excitement, "I know." I waited for her to say more but it never happened.

"Where?", I asked looking at her with my hands out as she kept her smirk and looked forward, there was something about her that just made want to... there's not even a word for it. I let out a 'hmm' as we walked down the street. It was quiet the whole walk until we stopped at a corner shop. "You wanna go in while I watch the dogs?"

"Sure", She smiled and walked in her coat almost touching the step. As I waited Pizza dog whined as Kate was still in the shop.

I knelt down to pet him, "She'll be here in a second", I say as Fanny comes back over and sit's by the shop's steps. After a few more minutes Kate walks back out with a bag, "What's in there?", She opens the bag and reveals a load of M&M bags, "Awesome."

She nods and starts walking again and takes Pizza dog's leash. Her hand brushing my own, even though it wasn't for even 2 seconds I wanted her to hold my hand. As we walked, again it was quiet but got colder, "Do you know the time?", She asked as she moved her coat over any open areas for the wind to hit.

I shook my head, "Nope, left my phone at the compound." She nods with a smile as we carry on walking, "Where are we going?", She only side-eyed me with a growing smile, "Please tell me", I pleaded moving closer to her. As soon as I did that she announced we're here, "A park?"

"Yup", She said and walked in, it was fairly large. Most of it being grass, a few swings and stuff here and there, "You coming?", She asked as she walked to a bench and I trailed behind her. We sat down and she handed me a bag of M&M's.

"So, we're sitting here in a park?", I asked.

"Yup", She answered eating a M&M.

"Eating M&M's?", I looked at her as I stuffed my face with M&M's.

"Y-yes", She said laughing and I smile. She then let Pizza dog off of the leash as he and Fanny ran around. As time went on it became pitch black and our talking turned to laughing, as it got colder. "God, it's freezing", Kate said rubbing her shoulders.

"Really?", I asked leaning back a bit.

"Yeah", She said continuing to rub her arms and shoulder. I shook my head with a laugh and began to take my coat off, "W-What are you doing?", She asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"Well, I live in Russia. Definitely colder than this place so, I'm giving you my fleece hoodie", I say now taking off my hoodie leaving me in my white cropped top. I pass it to Kate as she quickly takes off her coat and puts my hoodie on, "Jeez, you were cold."

She rolls her eyes and says, "We should probably head back, huh?", Her gaze averts to the night sky with a smile.

"Probably", I say and call Fanny while Kate calls Pizza dog who continues running around, "Seriously? We gotta catch him?", I pout as she laughs at me and we both start running after him.

[Kate Bishop - Yelena Belova]Where stories live. Discover now