#4 ─ weird feeling

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the next week went by as usual , but maybe xiao has been feeling a little weird towards you but anyways xiao got to class pretty early just to study some more for the exam he had today. but he saw that your already there , asleep though.

he went to sit down beside you and took out his books from his bag , but for some reason he can't help but just stare at your sleeping figure for a brief moment.

he felt warmness gushing through his cheeks , and the second he realized that hes actually been staring at you for a while now , he quickly looks away to the window instead. 'okay , thats weird.' he thought to himself.

soon enough , you woke up from your little nap to see xiao beside you looking very stiff ... for whatever reason. "uhhh , you okay?"

"yes .." xiao said in a low voice , turning his head to face yours , noticing the little details through out your face.

"oooh! i just remembered something , can you pleaseeeeee let me copy your homework ? just this one timeee i promise!" now how could he refuse when your pleading with big puppy eyes?

"you said that the last time but fine ..." he said as he took out his notebook from his bag and handed it to you.

"thank youuu! your literally such a life saver i love you!" platonically of course ... or not?

xiao just let out a little hum as a reply and he continued to study again , this time he hid his face using his book to cover up the slight blush he had on his face.

he couldn't even focus on studying cause he keeps having this weird feeling whenever your with him now. and even if his book is covering his face , he cant help but to peak at you slightly just to look right back at his book. and you didn't even realize somehow lol.

class finally started after a while and he still felt this weird thing. he didn't know what was going on or how to stop it so ... he figured out hes just gonna avoid you for a bit , and eventually everythings gonna go back to normal right?

but as soon as the second period ended , you went up to ask xiao if he wanted to join in for lunch with you , only with you. this is probably the only time he wished that you were with your idiotic friend's of yours cause he would've definitely say no in this situation.

but it was only with you , how could he miss this offer ? his brain is telling him no , but his heart is telling him yes. now hes just confused and your just waiting for an answer awkwardly. eventually though , he said yes cuz his brain was also telling him yes at this point.

"alright then great , good luck on your test by the way ! cya !" you said quickly before leaving to head over to your next class.

xiao also got to his class and did his test. he did it so easily that he finished it in just 10 minutes. its probably cause of your short little words from earlier !

he went to the front desk to submit the test , the teacher got confused as how he finished it so quickly. she even checked his paper just to realize that all his answers were correct.

after class was finally over , it was finally lunch ! he has never waited for lunch this badly (cuz of u ofc). as he walked out from his class , he noticed that you were already there waiting for him. even the thought of it was enough to make him flustered !

"sooooo how was your test ?" you asked curiously.

"oh , it was easy , very easy."

"i thought you were struggling though , cause of how hard you've been studying !"

"yeah , i thought i was gonna struggle too. but i was the first one to submit the paper .. i wonder why."

"well either ways im glad you did great , im proud to have a friend as smart as you ! im also proud of you."

"thanks ..." xiao said in a low voice , you're ... proud of him ?? now his face was all red and stuff. he also tried his best to hide it but ...

"xiao are you okay ? your face is all red!"

after all classes were done , his plan was to just avoid you for the rest of the day cuz he was still having that weird feeling. but soon failed again cause looks like you were already waiting for him , for both of you to walk home together.

xiao sighs at your standing figure , but the look of your smile made him happy too.

at the end , he might just have to accept his feelings for you. and yes he knows this 'weird feeling' he had was actually love , but he was just in denial :P

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