𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

Start from the beginning

Ralph snuck behind trees and branches back to the castle rock.
There at the entrance he spotted SamnEric, completely naked, and holding spears.
"SamnEric. Hey!" Ralph got close to the rock where they were standing on. Terrified they were going to run and give the alarm.
"SamnEric it's me Ralph"

"You got to go Ralph. You go away now" Sam said.
"I've come to see you two"
Ralph voice was hurting and sore.

Sam shifted.
"Honestly, Ralph, you'd better go because it's not safe-"
"-They made us, they hurt us-"
"-We couldn't help it-"
Ralph then spoke again.
"What have I done? I liked him and I wanted us to be rescued"
Eric shook his head.
"Listen, Ralph, never mind what since, it's gone-"
"-Never mind about the chief-"
"-You got to go for your own good-
"-The chief and Roger"
"-Yes Roger"
Ralph then thought about Y/n.
"What about Y/n?"
"She's not here anymore-"
"-She ran off"

"They hate you, Ralph they're going to do you"
"They're going to hurt you tomorrow"
"But why?"
"I dunno"
"Roger has shaprin at stick at both ends"
"Tomorrow, they're going to do signals like this"
Sam put his hands together and put his mouth in the gap between his hands, and made a crying noise.
"Like that-"
"-Only louder, of course"
The fear and loneliness ate Ralph up.
"When they find me, what are they going to do?"
The twins were silent. They know what will happen if they find Ralph.
"What are they-oh god! I'm hungry"
Ralph put a hand on his stomach, hearing it growl. It felt like a long time since he ate.

"Well-what?" He looked back up at them, still waiting for an answer.
The twins answer his question indirectly.
"You got to go now, Ralph"
"For your own good"

"Keep away as far as you can"
"Won't you come with me? three of us we'd stand chance"
Both boys froze. someone was climbing towards them from the tribe.
"He's coming to see if we're keeping watch, quick Ralph!"
Ralph dunked down from the rock. The footsteps were somehow still distant.
"Here!" Sam said suddenly "Take this-"
Ralph felt a chunk of meat hit him and catched it.
Ralph then ran away leaving the twins to face who is coming down from the top.
When he was far away enough, he squatted down between the tall grass, and started to eat on the piece of meat they gave him. It was well cooked just like the last time he had it.
While he was eating, he heard cries in pain from SamnEric. Cries of panic and angry noises.

Y/n munched on her sixth banana that she's having. She's been hungry, the last thing she ate was the meat, but it felt like a long time.
She's been mostly eating a lot of fruits from the island and she started to feel sick and get stomach aches, sometimes even headaches.
It could also be a reason that she started her time of the month.
She threw the banana pill behind her then got up.
The ground was trashed with open fresh banana peels and a couple that are not open stacked on each other, rest on the ground. She finally had the energy to continue to find Ralph.
"Raaalph!" She groaned. Her voice is used up and her throat felt swore. She sighed and flung her head back. it would be hard to considering it was already dark and there's no way she'll be able to find him the deep blackness. She doesn't have a torch or a lighter with her.

She'll rest softly on the hard ground, laying her head on her arms. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Y/n to find Ralph. It's still warm but not as it was before. It's quiet, and all you can hear is birds chirping and the ground crunching with leaves with every step. She stood silent, not calling Ralph's name anymore.
Suddenly it started to rise up. Y/n didn't know if something is cooking or something is...burning.
She spotted something away, lighting the trees and smoke, appearing above it.
Now Y/n can see what it was. Fire.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ✈︎𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐅Where stories live. Discover now