Winds From Another World Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"As if they don't belong here."

In an instant, the winds erupted with an earth-shattering roar, breaking the ground beneath Y/N's feet and tearing through the atmosphere, unleashing shockwaves that spread across the clearing. The force of the winds sent Wednesday stumbling backward, her hair whipping around her face as she fought to regain her balance. The ground trembled beneath her, and the once peaceful clearing transformed into a chaotic battleground of nature's fury, with Y/N at its center. The tempest swirled around him, wrapping him in its chaotic embrace before forcing him to the ground, his hands clutching his head in unbearable pain as the once gentle whispers of the wind now screamed in his ears while the mysterious melody tore through his mind, all the while his eyes continued to flicker shining brighter and brighter with each passing second.

"Y/N!" Wednesday yelled, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched Y/N struggle against the overwhelming force of the winds, fear and concern flooded her mind, and without hesitation, she fought against the gusts, making her way to his side. She dropped down beside him, shielding her face from the debris swirling around them.

"Y/N, hold on!" She shouted, her voice fighting to get through the deafening roar of the storm. With determination in her eyes, Wednesday reached out her hand, braving the relentless wind to touch Y/N's trembling shoulder. Her touch, though gentle, carried a strength that seemed to ground him.

"Wednesday...I can't...control them," Y/N gasped, his voice strained. "They won't...stop-" Y/N struggled to finish his sentence but was quickly cut off as a calming breeze brushed past his face, whispering in his heart with a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. At that moment, a blinding flash of Azure blue light shattered the clouds above, and both of them...vanished into the winds.
When Y/N finally opened his eyes once again, he found himself lying on the ground in the middle of the forest. Groaning in pain, he tried to sit up, but his head throbbed, and his body ached. As he looked around, he realized that he was all alone with Wednesday, nowhere to be seen, and the only sound he heard was the birds chirping and the sunlight shining down as if whatever he had just been through had never happened at all.

"Wednesday" He called out, his voice weak and hoarse, but there was no answer aside from that of the winds whistling through the trees. A gentle breeze slowly wrapped itself around him, coating him in a blanket of ease as Y/N got to his feet, his mind reeling as he tried to understand what had just happened. He remembered the winds, the song, Wednesday, and then...nothing. Y/N stumbled forward, his legs weak and wobbly but filled with determination to get back to her. He slowly closed his eyes and focused on the winds around him until finally, he found her.

"There!" Y/N yells, and immediately a massive wave of wind gathers underneath his feet, lifting him up into the air before blasting off toward Wednesday, clenching his fist as he flew faster and faster, feeling Wednesday's presence growing stronger with every passing moment. Eventually, he caught sight of a cleaning up ahead, and his heart leaped in his chest as there in the center stood Wednesday, seemingly lost and confused yet safe and sound.

"Wednesday!" He called out, relief flooding through him as he landed gracefully in front of her with one final burst of wind. Her eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, she simply stood there silently, staring at him while his eyes locked onto hers. He approached her slowly, trying his hardest not to startle her. As soon as he was close enough, Y/N reached out and caressed her cheek.

"Thank god I...I thought I lost y-" he began, but he was forced to lean back to safety as Wednesday sent a kick aimed right at the side of his head. He glanced at her, only to see daggers staring directly into his soul, which Y/N met in surprise.

"What the hell Wednesd-

"Don't touch me." She says, cutting Y/N off before lunging back at him Y/N stumbles backward, caught off guard by Wednesday's sudden aggression. He raises his hands in defense, confusion and hurt etched on his face.

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