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"Aw what's this for?" The ginger haired girl looked directly at Sooha as if wanting her to explain. Sooha just stared at her boredly but answered.

"It's for Chuseok. Some people don't have any family to go home too or don't have a way to get there so we decided to cook for those people." Sooha gave Madison a small fake smile.

"Woah cool—"

"Don't touch anything. I'll be cooking in the morning so keep everything where it is." Sooha rolled her eyes and went into her room finding kitty already sleeping on her bed. She smiled softly at the sleeping girl and pushed back a stray strand of hair that was covering her face. She pulled to blanket over her and changed her clothes, and finally went to bed.

♡ ༘*.゚Now Playing: Super Bowl by Stray Kids

Sooha awoke to the smell of food being made. She groaned and sat up from her bed. Kitty was still sound asleep.

"I told her not to touch anything..." Her voice was still raspy and coarse due to her waking up so early. She flung her door open and her eyes we're basically still closed as she rubbed them.

"Madison I though I told you not to touch anything—" Sooha opened her eyes to see Minho in her dorm in a tank top and Apron?! Her eyes widened when she saw his biceps. Holy shi—

"Sleep well princess?" Minho looked up at her and lifted an eyebrow while smiling. Sooha calmed herself to stop the redness in her face from showing up.

"Why are you here? And since when did you cook?" Sooha walked to his side to look at the food he was making.

"Since i decided it's a good trait for an amazing boyfriend." Minho side eyed her and smirked looking at her embarrassed face. The control his words had over her were insane.

"Oh and you didn't tell me you were roomies with Madison. I thought you hated her?" Sooha shot her head in his direction. Madison saw him? Like this?!

"Did she say anything to you?" Sooha softly slammed her hands in the table and Minho saw this as a perfect opportunity to tease her.

"Oh yeah she came up to me and told me how good I look in a tank top." Minho shrugged and looked over at Sooha. Her face seemed plain but her eyes held evil intent in them.

"Oh really?" Sooha tried to hide her anger by fake smiling.

"Yeah, really." Minho smiled back at her which was starting to piss her off.

'This jerk is messing with me isn't he?'

Sooha looked away and poked her cheek with her tongue. She laughed slightly and looked back at Minho.

"Wow, maybe you should just ask her out." Sooha smiled slyly at Minho making him drop his facade and look at her with wide eyes while lifting his eyebrows.

He just scoffed and put down the utensil he was using to cook. He leaned on the table with one hand and looked at Sooha. She did the same thing and they just stared at each other.

"If you're jealous just say that." There goes Minho with his snarky comments.

"Me? Jealous? Who do you think I am." Sooha rolled her eyes and looked away from him. Minho brought her face back over to him with his hands and forced her to look at him. They stared into each others eyes for a minute.

"Minho you know Kittys' still her—" Before she could finished Minho pulled her face closer to his and kissed her. It wasn't an aggressive kiss more like a sweet and loving kiss. Like the kind you'd give to the person your married too, or a person who you believe is your soulmate.

 ♡ ༘*.゚ MANIAC | MIN-HO Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora