Chapter 1 - Confused

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3rd POV:
Ponyboy woke up with the sun shining on his face and being shook by his brother, Sodapop. "Ponyboy! You need to get up, plus, Darry is making breakfast!" Soda exclaimed and continued to shake his half asleep brother. Pony rolled over, not wanting to get up, and groaned.

"Why?..." Soda then proceeded to groan in response and rolled his eyes. "Darry said you need to get up and that it's not healthy to lay in bed all day!" Pony ignored him. Soda sighed, "Ok, fine. Be that way Pony." Soda walled out and made sure to not shut the door, and leave the light on. As he walked out, he was greeted by Two-Bit in front of the TV. Soda greeted him, "Heya Two." Two-Bit didn't look away from the screen but waved in response.

Soda sighed and stood beside Darry, who was making breakfast. "Is he getting up?" Darry looked over at Soda for a moment before returning his focus on the food. "Well, about that..." Soda rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Soda!" Darry half yelled, "I told you to get him up!" Soda sighed. "I tried to, ok?"

He walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch, "That kid just doesn't wanna get up, I don't know what to tell ya, Dar." Darry sighed, "Ok, ok. I'll try to get him up." Darry started walking towards Pony and Sodapop's room, "Foods done by the way. I made some for both of you, the way you like it." Soda smiled at him, "Thanks!"

Darry walked into their room and looked at Pony. "Hey, Pony..." He walked over and sat down on the bed beside him. "Are you ok?" Pony rolled over to face him, "Yeah, I'm just tired. I don't know why." Darry nodded. "Yeah I understand, but you can't just lie down on all day. You won't get better." Darry smiled softly at him. "How about you hang out with Johnny? I'm sure he wouldn't mind hanging out with you." Ponyboy's face seemed to light up as he started to smile. "Plus," Darry started, "I'm sure if you don't Dally would be with him all day, and I bet your better to hang out with. No offense to Dally..." Darry mumbled the last bit. Ponyboy grinned and chuckled. "Yeah, ok."

Pony sat up. "I'll hang out with Johnny." Darry smiled, "Good." He stood up and walked out. "Oh, I made eggs by the way. There's some for you how you like them." He walked away smiling. Pony sighed softly and got out of bed. He threw on a new shirt and a pair of jeans. He walked out to the bathroom to mess with his hair.

Once he saw himself in the mirror he sighed. "Gosh, my hair looks so weird like this..." He said to himself. He heard laughing and turned around. "Yeah, it sure does! How is it even staying like that?" Pony turned red out of embarrassment. The front of his hair, or his bangs if you will, was sticking up, while the back was down flat and messy. "Hey Steve..." Pony mumbled.

Steve continued laughing. "Gosh, maybe you should just keep it like that. Two-Bit would get a good laugh out of it!" Pony looked at him. Steve leaned against the doorframe, still laughing slightly. "Oh god, no! No way am I letting him see it. He gets a kick out of everything!" Ponyboy instantly started combing his hair to get it down and not as messy. "And, would I never hear the end of it!" Steve's laughing calmed down. "Yeah, ok, that's fair."

He started walking away and Pony heard him say, "Soda! Are you ready for work?" Pony had forgotten Soda had work today. He didn't have school since it was summer and Saturday. Wait a minute... Ponyboy thought, It's Saturday. Soda and Steve don't have work... Pony finished fixing his hair and walked to the living to see Steve had Soda tackled and pinned to the floor.

"Say uncle!" Steve laughed, "C'mon say it Soda!" Soda struggled and tried to get out of his grasp. "No way!" Ponyboy watched as Soda flipped himself and Steve around and ended up on top of Steve, all in one movement. "HAH!" Soda laughed, "Now, YOU say uncle!" Soda grinned, and gulped slightly. He must've noticed their position? Pony thought as he swears he saw Soda's face get a little red. Steve took this for granted and flipped them once again. Steve now had Soda pinned again.

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