Just then, the sound of someone getting beaten up echoes through the station. The three officers close their eyes and sigh, knowing exactly who is responsible. No one can stop him when he's angry, and they understand he's doing it for the right reasons.

After a while, the noise stops, and the three officers open their eyes to find Rajendra watching them. He instructs them to leave.

They quickly exit the cabin and head to the source of the commotion. One of the three officers rushes ahead and hugs the person in front, saying, "Bhai."

The officer, in the midst of beating up some suspects, is momentarily taken aback. Another officer hugs him from behind, saying, "Bhai," a smile comes on his face.

The man regains his composure and says, "Officer Vidyunt, pull yourself together. This is a bureau. An inquiry is underway."

Vidyunt steps back and makes a face, causing the two officers to laugh. Just then, Ajit arrives."Sir, we got some evidence," Ajit says, handing it over.

The lead officer looks at it and says, "Vidyunt, take your team to this school and inquire further. You'll definitely find something."

"Yes, sir," Vidyunt replies, and they leave immediately.


Naina is teaching children in her school when the lunch bell rings. She puts down her book and walks out of the classroom towards the staff room. Suddenly, she hears the cry of a child. Alarmed, she looks around and sees, in a nearby room, a man holding a small child at knifepoint.

Naina is scared seeing knife in his hand, his showing villain vibe, Terrified but determined, she knows she cannot leave the child. The goon notices her and shouts, "Stay where you are, or I'll kill this child!"

"No, don't do anything to him," Naina hurriedly said and pleads as the child starts crying.

Meanwhile, Vidyunt arrives at the school with his team to begin their inquiry. As they start their investigation, Vidyunt hears the cry of a child and realizes it's coming from nearby. He instructs his team to search in the direction of the sound.

Vidyunt reaches the room and sees the goon threatening the child with a knife, while Naina is bravely holding onto the knife, trying to protect the child. Vidyunt draws his gun and commands the goon, "Drop the knife!"

The goon, enraged at being confronted for the first time, glares at Naina as his plan fail. She trembles with fear as he pushes her aside and escapes through the window.

Vidyunt rushes to the window, while his team chases after the fleeing goon. He then turns to see Naina comforting the child. His team reports back, "Sir, we caught him. Aryan sir has taken him to the bureau."

The child clings to Naina, who soothes him gently. Vidyunt approaches and asks, "Are you hurt anywhere, kid?" The child remains silent.

Naina encourages him softly, "Beta, uncle is asking you something. Tell him." Vidyunt is taken aback at being called 'uncle,' and his team chuckles. Vidyunt shoots them a stern look, silencing their laughter.

The child finally shakes his head and says, "No." Vidyunt nods and leaves the room.


At the bureau, Vidyunt asks Aryan about the kidnapper. Aryan replies, "Vikram sir is interrogating him."

Vikram appears and informs them that officers have been dispatched to the locations mentioned by the kidnapper. Just then, two new officers arrive. Vidyunt is shocked to see one of them is Diya, his anger evident.

Diya looks at Vidyunt, who is glaring at her. She then calls out loudly, "Vikram!" This unusual informality grabs everyone's attention, as no one except ACP Rajendra addresses Vikram by his first name.

Vikram, busy with some paperwork, looks up at her. Before Vikram can respond, Vidyunt steps in front of Diya and demands, "Introduce yourself."

"Officer Diya," she replies nervously."

So, Officer Diya, you are a junior officer here. The name you just mentioned is of your senior officer. You should know this already. If you do not address your senior officers properly as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am,' you will be fired," Vidyunt says sternly.

Diya, now visibly nervous, responds, "Yes, Vidyunt sir."

"Go now and do your department work," Vidyunt commands, and Diya leaves.

Vikram and Rajendra observe Vidyunt's unusually harsh demeanor. Vikram, sensing something deeper, goes to his cabin and sits down. He closes his eyes, haunted by past memories:"No one can love you and your family."

"Your whole family is mad. I can't live with you. And that Vidhi, she drove me crazy."

Vikram opens his eyes and sighs, thinking, "Sorry, Vidhi, Ved, and Vidyunt. Because of me, you all got upset."


There is first chapter of rishtey dillon ke.

I hope you love it.

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