An Invite or a Declaration?

Start from the beginning

I had a few chances to go into the museum the news was talking about yesterday, but I wasn't really eager to go since running into Ishizu was high chance. I knew what she would go on about having my help to save her brother or to help the Pharaoh save him. She believes that even if it's not me to save her brother from his darkness, she still believes I could be of help anyway with my power from my millennium heart.

So the whole day I just continue to walk around the center plaza, hoping it would distract me from what's to come.


Later that night, I end up back at that bar I was at before.  And just like before, I had a drink that I couldn't drink right away in front of me. I looked up to the TV to see what was on, and it was just some daily news about other things. So I continued to do the same, and just fiddle my finger over my glass, while in thought.


Meanwhile, in the same night, elsewhere...

~Yami POV~

After spending the day with Tea, we ended up going to the museum. It could lead me to some answers.

*(!) Maybe I could find some leads to Kyra as well. (!)*

"You're sure you wanna go through with this, right?", Tea. "I have no choice, Tea. It's my destiny. Hm?", Yami.

I could sense something beyond that door, a feeling that tells me to go this way.

"You okay?", Tea. "I sense something in here.", Yami.

I proceed to open the door, and I see a flight of stairs leading down.

"In the basement?", Tea.

The millennium eye symbol shines on my forehead, and when that happens, that truly means something is waiting for me down there.

"This a part of the exhibit?", Tea.

I start to make my way down.

"Something down there is calling out to me, Tea. I feel that the answers I seek are near.", Yami. "Check it out.", Tea.

What we see next is several stone carvings displayed behind glass on the walls.

"It's some kind of ancient Egyptian stone.", Tea. "And those carvings resemble duel monster cards.", Yami.

As we come closer to take a closer look.

"Hm!", Yami. "No way, that guy looks just like you. Is this thing for real?! It's freaking me out.", Tea.

*(!) Even it's hard for me to believe at first, but seeing this as a first clue does bring some sense of relief. (!)*

"Yes, Tea, it is real. Somehow, I know it is. And look, around his neck.", Yami. "Ah! It's the millennium puzzle!", Tea. "That's right. That appears to be me, playing an ancient form of duel monsters.", Yami. "Woah...", Tea. "This is exactly the kind of clue I've been searching for, but I wish I were able to decipher its meaning. Who am I dueling against in this carving? What was this age-old game all about? Was it even a game? Hmm, just when I think I found one answer, a thousand new questions arise.", Yami.

"...My Pharaoh, I've been expecting you.", Ishizu.

"Ah!", Tea. "Who are you?", Yami.

"I am Ishizu, and I have uncovered many mysteries about you and these ancient carvings using the magic of my millennium necklace.", Ishizu.

Her necklace gave a shimmering shine.

"Another millennium item.", Yami.

"Like your millennium puzzle, this necklace affords me certain powers. With it, I have gazed five-thousand years into the past, to a time when evil sorcerers threatened to destroy the entire world.", Ishizu.

Yu-Gi-Oh: The Heart of a Millennium - S2: Battle City!Where stories live. Discover now