CHAPTER 3 | Secretary

Start from the beginning

Once confident that no one is around to witness your private moment, you delve deeper into the forest, the sounds of civilization gradually fading away. The lush greenery surrounds you, offering solace and serenity in contrast to the chaotic world you left behind.

Finding a secluded clearing, you set up your bow training equipment, your fingers itching to release the pent-up energy within you. With each draw of the bowstring, you let out a deep breath, imagining your frustrations being released with every arrow that soars through the air.

In this hidden oasis, you feel free, embracing the solitude of the forest as you hone your archery skills with unwavering focus. The rhythmic twang of the bowstring becomes your soothing soundtrack, helping you clear your mind and regain balance amidst the turmoil of your dual roles. With each breath, you draw the bowstring, aiming at a deer that stands before you. Just as you release the arrow, your concentration is interrupted by a familiar voice.

"HEY Y/N!"

Your arrow misses its mark as Fundy's voice echoes through the woods, causing nearby birds to take flight, their wings fluttering in a symphony of panicked chirping.

"Damm*t," you mutter, a hint of frustration creeping in, as you retrieve another arrow from your quiver, your movements swift and practiced.

Turning to face Fundy, you greet him with a sarcastic smile, trying to maintain a sense of humor despite the interruption to your training, "Good morning, Fundy."

"What chu doing?" he asks, curiosity evident in his expression, his fox-like ears twitching with interest.

"Releasing my stress," you reply, trying to retain composure, your gaze shifting back to the target as you prepare to take another shot.

"Oh... my bad," he responds sheepishly, a hint of guilt in his voice.

"What can I help you with on this pleasant day?" you inquire, trying to hide your impatience, your voice tinged with a touch of sarcasm.

"Schlatt asked you to train the others," Fundy informs you, his eyes studying your face for a reaction.

"I already did that yesterday. It's their day off," you explain, growing weary of repeating yourself, your frustration growing as you continue to be burdened with unnecessary tasks.

"Are you questioning the Emperor?" Fundy challenges, brandishing his sword, the blade glinting in the dappled sunlight.

With a deep breath, you compose yourself, knowing that engaging in an argument with Fundy would only escalate the situation further.

"Tsks. No," you reply, avoiding any potential conflict, as you glance at Fundy's sword brought up to your face, a silent reminder of the precarious situation.

"Then do your job," Fundy retorts, walking away with an air of authority, his fox-like features giving him an intimidating aura.

With a heavy sigh, you push aside your frustration and head back to the training court, the familiar scent of damp earth and freshly cut grass filling the air, as you prepare to fulfill your duties as the commander of Manburg's soldiers.

"Oh look. It's the traitor of L'manburg," someone whispers, their words stinging like a wound, causing you to tighten your grip on the bow in your hand, trying to maintain your composure in the face of hostility.

You glance around, doing your best to contain your anger and maintain a stoic expression, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

"Soldier, line up!!" you command, raising your voice to redirect their attention, your authoritative tone taking over.

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