12 - Fair Date

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With that, she left the kitchen and went elsewhere while Rachel and Jisung left in separate directions leaving Daniel, Yunjin, and Kazuha standing. Daniel looked at his daughter and raised a brow when he saw the girls' locked arms, giving them a slight look before also walking away.

The two girls noticed his expression towards them, looking at each other knowingly. Yunjin sighed, "He's like that. Don't pay attention to him.. you can see where Wooyoung gets his attitude from."

Kazuha laughed, "That's right. Your mom was totally in the right, I can't believe Wooyoung walked out like that," she said. Yunjin hummed, "He's been doing that lately. Anyway, I have to wash the dishes now."

"Let me help you," Kazuha gave a smile. Yunjin stared at her for a couple seconds just admiring the girl infront of her before she smiled back, "Okay."

Yunjin turned on the faucet and turned back to Kazuha but she was taken aback when the Japanese placed her hand on her left cheek, "Why?" Yunjin asked, watching Kazuha laugh and take out her phone to snap a picture of the American's confused face. Yunjin put her hand on her cheek, then looking at it to see dish soap.

Kazuha sighed with a smile, "That's going as my lockscreen, it's too funny." Yunjin looked at her phone to see the picture Kazuha had taken. She smiled as she watched Kazuha go into her settings to change her lockscreen to now include her picture.

"How about you actually wash the dishes?" A voice pulled them out of their moment. They turned to see Minji and Rachel standing together. Minji looked happy while Rachel looked like she didn't even know why Minji was there.

Yunjin looked at Minji with questioning eyes, "How did you get here, first of all?"

Minji grinned, "I have my ways-"

"She climbed in through my window."

Kazuha and Yunjin couldn't help but laugh when they saw Minji's face drop, turning to Rachel, "You weren't supposed to say that!"

Rachel only shrugged, "Why are you even here?" She questioned, "If you're here to spend the night again, pay up-I won't let you take my bed without payment."

Minji rolled her eyes, "I don't like your bed anyway, it's very uncomfortable. Hanni's bed is better-" Kazuha cleared her throat, "Who?"

Minji looked at her, "Hanni-"


The kitchen was filled with laughter as they continued to tease Minji. Yunjin put her arm over Kazuha's shoulders, "Ahh, that was so good. Look at her face," She said, pointing to Minji who looked fed up.

"If you won't shut up then I'll tell Hanni there's no double date anymore."

Yunjin raised a brow, "What double date?

Minji cleared her throat, "Well... Hanni said we should have a double date. You know, me, her, you, and Kazuha... and I basically agreed on your part?" She smiled innocently. Rachel laughed, "You haven't even gone on your own dates and now you're going on a double date? That's hilarious."

"Shut up, Rachel."

"Do mini dates not count?" Kazuha asked. Rachel gave her and Yunjin a look, "Since when have you guys gone on mini dates?"

Minji shrugged, "Idunno, they've been going out to places together. They should just be called dates because if me and Hanni went like they do, I'd definely say they're dates."

Rachel raised a brow, "So you two have gone out multiple times? Where? When?"

"Uh... two weeks ago we went to an art museum... then last week Zuha took me to go see a drive-in movie, then three days ago-"

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