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Chapter 1: Bill..?
Words: 1039

Dipper's outfit:

Dipper's outfit:

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Dipper POV

We just arrived in Gravity Falls. The drive from from Piedmont was long so I just greeted everyone went to the Shack. The Shack was bigger. Soos gave me a tour. There were five bedrooms, all of which have bathrooms. One was Ford's, one was Stan's, one was Soos', one was mine and one was Mabel's. I walked into my room put my bag down and crashed into the bed.

I opened my eyes and I was met with a Bill Cipher at the end of my bed, he looked human, cute. "Bill..?" I asked. "Hello Pinetree.." He said. He was oddly quiet, but I didn't have the energy to sit up and ask what the problem was. Instead I lied down and continued my challenge that was to sleep. "Pinetree.." Bill said. I sighed and sat up. "Yes Bill?" I asked. "Do you really not care that I am here." He asked. "I don't care what you destroy as long as I sleep, you don't hurt my family and Mabel's friends, except Gideon. You can kill him." I said. He eyes gradually widened. "Heck, I'd help you and I'm sure Mabel would too." I said. I lied my head down on my pillow to continue my mission. "Good night Pinetree." He said. "Night Bill." I said.

I woke up almost as soon as he left. I groaned and left my room. I grabbed an apple, a knife and some peanut butter. "Dip, Pacifica is here." Mabel yelled from the living room. "Hey, how you?" I asked as went to sit next to them. "Good you?" Pacifica asked. "Tired, hungry and wanting Bill to stop just shenanigans." I said. Their eyes widen at the mention of Bill's name. "Bill?" Mabel asked. "When I was trying to sleep he visited me." I said. I was blinking to stop my burning eyes. I cut the apple and continued to eat it with the peanut butter. "I didn't make a deal though." I said. "Alright, just never make a deal with him." Pacifica said. "If I do, I am bringing you two with me. So just remember that. Might as well make a deal if I do." I said. They smiled at me and nodded. We have been friends for a while. Mabel's obviously my sister, but we have been getting along with Pacifica.
"You guys wanna sit in my room and watch a movie?" I asked. They nodded and we all went to my room. I turned on the TV and grabbed the remote. I put on the new Shazam movie and went to grab snacks.

I returned and room wasn't even my room anymore. There was a pillow fort and I noticed a triangle earing on the shelf. I assumed Bill put it there, but yet again, I was too tired to care. I sat down and started the movie, I enjoyed my m&ms and enjoyed the movie as well.

The movie just finished and I turned to Pacifica and Mabel. They were asleep and I was at the brink of falling asleep. Next thing I knew was I passed out.

I looked around and saw Bill sitting at on one of those window sill couch thingys in my room. Pacifica and Mabel weren't in thr room. "Bill where are Pacifica and Mabel?" I asked. "Checking what they can make in the state." He said. I went and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. I need something to lie on. I almost fell asleep, but I heard Mabel squealing. I groaned. Bill stood up to check what Mabel was squealing about. I pulled him back down into his seat. I put my head back on his shoulder making sure to put half my body weight on to his to make sure he didn't move.

Pacifica walked in and saw us. She smiled and left the room. I actually fell asleep now.

The next day

I woke up in a awkward position. I stood up and stretched. I smiled at Mabes and Paci. I walked out and saw Stancakes on the table, three plates to be exact. I went to wake Mabel and Pacifica. They awoke and we went to the kitchen. We ate our Stancakes and planned our day. We were going to the forest to explore and make someone Gravity Galls creatures our friends.


The purple shirt is a Demon Slayer hoodie

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The purple shirt is a Demon Slayer hoodie.
Mabel and Pacifica:

Mabel is the first one and Pacifica is obviously the second one

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Mabel is the first one and Pacifica is obviously the second one.

"Everyone got their bags packed?" I asked, Mabel and Pacifica nodded and we were off.

We reached the place we met the gnomes and saw one in the corner. I sat down and smiled. I grabbed one of my sandwiches from my bag and left it in front of me. Mabel and Pacifica following insuite. Three gnomes came out and took the sandwiches. I gave a bright smile to the one in front of me. It was the first female gnomes I've seen. She stepped closer and her eyes had sparkles. I tapped my lap and she walked closer. She sat on my lap and put her head to my stomach because that's how short she was. I picked her up and smiled at her. "What's your namr?" I asked. "Janice." She whispered. "Nice to meet you Janice." I said. "Hi" She said with a smile. I put her down and she started plucking flowers. The other two galloping insuite. They made flower crowns. Janice put mine on my head and the other put Mabel and Pacifica's on their heads.

I ruffled Janice's hair and stood up. I was about to wall away when she tugged on my leg. I looked at her and picked her up. She ran up my arm and sat on my shoulder. Mabel and Pacifica got up and waves goodbye to the two gnomes they met. We continued deeper and found a rabbit with angel wings and a cat with stripes that looked like a tigers stripes. Also the cat had reindeer horns. Mabel and Pacifica adopted them while I have to take care of Janice like she is five.

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