Help Wanted

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Izuku was looking at the newspaper to see if any villain attacks happened. Nothing out of the ordinary until he made it to the want ads section he needed money so he could buy Ochako a present. For her birthday. The ad read.

Help Wanted
Freddy's Anime Convention

Local anime convention looking for security guard to work the night shift.

(Bring a lot of coffee)

Monitor cameras and ensure safety of equipment

Pay ¥599,000

To apply call
1(666) 329-2327

So he called the number on the ad.

"Freddy's Anime Convention. How may I help." The man said.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said. "I'm calling about the night shift job."

"Hi, I'm Will. Pleased to meet you."

"You must be from the American branch."

"I am." Will confirmed. " There are some ris-"

"I'm aware of the risks."

"Brave are we."


"You start next week." As he hung up.

And with that Izuku Midoriya had a job. And a maybe sketchy job as long as he doesn't die. And also the animatronics are rather hot.

"Hey bro." Ejiro Kirishima said. "What's up."

"Kirishima, I got a part time night shift job."

"Really. I mean you're girlfriend's birthday is coming up." He says.

"How are you and Mina."

"Dude we're going to the movies later wanna come."

Izuku nodded as he and Ochako were gonna on a double movie date with Mina and Kirishima.

Izuku's Five Nights in Animeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें