82.1. Illusive - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Because she would never want to have a child with such a sicko?" I want to spit on him, but I don't have any saliva.

"Because our genes aren't compatible," he rolls his eyes ostentatiously. "Yet, here you are, a hybrid that shouldn't exist in the first place. Under normal circumstances, you would be considered an abomination."

"I can't imagine normal circumstances, you're an alien or something," I frown, trying to hold still so that I can focus on the conversation. I need to get some information out of him.

"Or something," he repeats after me mockingly. "Do you want to know what am I? What you are? Get out of these chains."

The grip tightens again even though I'm perfectly still. He was manipulating the chains the whole time, giving me the illusion that there was some pattern. I cry because the pain becomes excruciating. He certainly knows how to torture a Celestial.

"The wings are both your asset and your weakness," he leans down and grabs my feathers. "Even a slight injury and you're immobilised. Harness your telepathic power instead. Nobody can take that away from you."

I realise that I finally feel something from him. His touch, however unpleasant, creates a tangible connection between us. I muster my remaining strength, put all my frustration into it and mirror it at him. It's obvious that he wasn't expecting me to succeed because there's an astonished expression on his face. He staggers, lets go of my feathers and the chains around my wings get loose.

"An empathic attack," he raises his eyebrows. "Exploiting direct touch, you used emotions to hit me?"

I quickly shake off the chains and anxiously flutter my freed wings to the sides. Forgetting that there's no actual air, I wave them mightily and actually manage to float. I expect him to get angry and try another of his mind games, but he just laughs.

"See? You can fly even though there's no air to hold you," he says, content. "You can fly because you strongly believe you can. Your mind is convinced that there's no way you wouldn't be able to take off when you flap your wings."

I don't know if he's giving me a hint since I can't imagine someone like him being careless, but I don't care. I'll take every opportunity I can get.

"Then I believe that I can do magic here," I hiss and materialise twelve transfiguration symbols at the same time.

I hit him with my full arsenal of spells, but it just goes through him as if he's a hologram.

"Impressive," he transports behind me.

I quickly turn around and find him hovering in the air. I didn't seriously think that my attack would be enough to expel him from my dream, but I'm disappointed that there's not a scratch on him. Despite everything, he doesn't look concerned. He doesn't look like someone who's about to lose.

"However," he shakes his head, "using magic wasn't in the assignment. Magic won't help you when...," he stops himself.

"When what?" I narrow my eyes. "I got out of your stupid chains, answer my questions now."

"I'm a man of my promises," he smiles, but there's no warmth in it. "Ask away then, but think carefully. I'll answer only one question a day."

"A day?" I widen my eyes, terrified by what it implies.

"Your mind is hopelessly unguarded, you lack even the most basic telepathic training," he states, crossing his arms. "From now on, I'll be training you every night until you're able to expel me from your dreams."

"And then what?" I frown.

"Then I'll have no other way than to finally meet you in person and we continue your training in the real world," he reveals. "By the way, I suppose that counts as a question. Our session is therefore concluded. See you tomorrow, my son."

Our surroundings are starting to get blurry and I feel like my body is waking up.

"W-wait! What do I...!" I shout, but I'm losing control over my dreamy body.

"Just a piece of advice," he says, his body already transparent. "I suggest you don't say anything to your subjects just yet. I see how they behave towards their precious Emperor, protecting you but also limiting severely. We don't want to freak them out, do we? Think about what you would like to know next time we meet and I'll answer you honestly after you finish another assignment."

Everything dissolves and I'm disoriented for a few moments before my eyes open and I'm staring at the ceiling of our Japanese suite. Gotrid is hugging me from the front and Erik is squeezed between my wings from behind.

They are sleeping soundly, suspecting nothing and I plan to leave it like that. I don't want to listen to my father, but he's right. Telling my partners would only freak them out and they can't protect me in my dreams anyway. This is something I have to face alone. It's just between me and my father—a battle of two telepaths.

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