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Sitting alone was normal.
Being alone was normal.
No one caring was normal.

Everything was normal.

Until it wasn't.

A girl looked down at her paper after finishing the assignment. She smiled and stood up fixing her large glasses as she walked down to the teacher who looked at her.
"Done already?"she hums. The girl nods.
The teacher took the test as she began grading and placed it down.
The young girl returned to her seat and sat down. A pencil was. Thrown at her as she glared and tried to pick it up but it vanished. She sighed annoyed before everyone finished.

The teacher walked in front of the class and looked rather disappointed.
"Well class, we only have four students to pass the test,"she said, crossing her arms.
"We have Hanki Goshiki with a 82, Luna rei with a 85, Po Yang with a 97 and (y/n) (l/n) with once again a perfect score..."she said.

The girl (Y/n) sunk in her seat. All eyes landed on her.

She took a deep breath as the bell rang.

"Tomorrow we will be having a review!"the teacher called. Everyone left except for (y/n) the teacher sighed.
"It's your fault"she said as she went to the window and opened it. Luckily they were on the first floor so she jumped out and began to run.
She shoved past adults and kids alike.

"Over there!"called a voice. (Y/n)) turns into an ally as she froze seeing a wall.
'Wrong one!'
She turns to see two boys and a girl.
She took a step back as she nervously grabbed a trash can lid.
The girl in the middle scoffed.
She raised her hand as a blast of light was aimed at her. (Y/n) tensed using the lid but it did nothing as she went flying back hitting the wall. She grunts collapsing on the floor as she gasps seeing a rock falling in her direction as she rolls over dodging. She grabbed the lid and threw it at a boy with blue hair but he smacked it back at her hitting her leg. The girl with pink hair grabbed (y/n)'s collar as she grabbed the glasses.
"Awee you got new ones..."she teased.
"S-stop it Sakura..."she said. The girl glared and threw them on the floor and stepped on them. Breaking them completely.

(Y/n) grunts as she struggles against her before the girl named Sakura throws her back.
"Thinking you're the smartest person in the room but don't you ever forget your nothing"she said. (Y/n) looked away as they finally left her alone.

Why didn't you fight?

(Y/n) looked up seeing a door. She felt eyes on her.
"I-I can't..."

Are you scared


Then why didn't you fight

"I can't-"

You don't want to-

"I don't have a quirk!"she shouts. Tears fell down her face. "I-I don't have I can't fight..."

The voice didn't respond as the sound of the child's tears were heard.

Give me your glasses

The mail slot opened. (Y/n) looked at the door before she stood up and grabbed the broken glasses before she placed it inside. "Here..."

There was a silence before the glasses floated out in perfect condition. (Y/n)'s eyes widen.
"Thank you.."she said.

You can have a chance...

The girl looked at the door and smiled excitedly.
"Thank you mister"

Go home I better not see you in this ally again

The young girl smiled as she nods standing up and running out of the ally.

She never did get stuck in that ally again.

It's been three years since that encounter. A tall villian held a young hero by the neck his face covered in blood is black eyes full of boredom as he looked down on a tiny girl that stood in his path. Holding a water gun and a police cap.
The villain smirked down at the girl she looked determined as she kept her eyes to herself.
"Put. Him. Down,"she said seriously, his hands shaking. The villain smirked squatting down as he put his head against the water gun.
"Go on..."he said, his eyes not breaking off her scared ones.

"Shoot me"

I work fast hope you guys like it

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