Chapter 7- Freedom

Start from the beginning

  Sorry, Kurama, its just heh it just reminded me of a good friend and the times we had.

Kurama growled at the man.

  Do you think you can control the Bijuu, prevent us from doing what we want?

  If I feel like destroying something I do it. If Im hungry I eat.

  I only act according to my whims, I live as the incarnation of wrath and malice.

Naruto had largely sobered up. He thought to himself for a few seconds before replying.

  I cant deny that youve been colored by rage and malice. But thats not you.

Kurama replied in anger.

  What do you think you know about the Bijuu?

  You could not even begin to comprehend the existence of a Bijuu.

  A Bijuu is pure emotion and chakra, we experience life a different way than you.

  You think you can determine who I really am? Pathetic, and foolish mortal!

Naruto had a simple sad smile.

  Do you really think of yourself as pure malice?

Kurama bared his teeth.

  Of course.

Naruto chuckled to himself quietly.

  Okay then. Ive changed my mind.

  Im going to seal all the Bijuu then.

Kurama exploded. The form which he had been constrained to couldnt withstand his full power and rage.




Kurama started charging his Bijuudama. Naruto hadnt moved from his initial position. He simply sat there and watched, before speaking softly.

  Thats the real Kurama right there.

  Here you are, claiming to be pure malice.

  But who are you deep down?

  Someone incensed at dishonesty, and someone who would die for his siblings.

Naruto sat there as Kurama slammed the Bijuudama down on his head.


When the dust cleared, Naruto was in the same spot, unhurt, uninjured, and calm as can be.

Naruto spoke up again.

  You are a kind soul Kurama.

  The Bijuu are being of emotion, and absorb their emotions of humans naturally.

  You took the entirety of negative emotion onto yourself to save the other Bijuu from the same fate.

  Your canvas has been stained with the ugliest shades of humanity.

  I can tell you honestly, I do not like it, and will not abide it.

Naruto clasped his hands in prayer, and a golden light shone over Kurama.

A black smoke emanated from the fox as it burned, but Kurama felt no pain.

  What are you doing, human?

Naruto smiled.

  I told you that I dont like what humans put on your canvas. So Im clearing the slate.

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