Start from the beginning

Many of the spectators weren't happy with the outcome, but at least lots of them praised me for my extraordinary feat today. Today, a Duel was expected, but it wasn't anything spectacular; just me obliterating Aristea in two moves.

The assassins she had in place didn't even take their positions to murder me in cold blood.

I bowed at the spectators. Yes, witness my elegant magnificence! You don't see the "best" Duelist in this country get rekted this hard everyday. Everyone was still at this initial shock as to what had happened there.

"Excellent as always, Your Highness."

Behind Aurelia, stood Artemisia with Hybris next to her.

"Uh, yeah, but what about the Moon? Was that really necessary?"

"Oh, I'll fix it tomorrow. Probably."

"Fix it? You have the power to fix it?"

The rest, were supposed to be history. But it seems that not everything goes as intended in this life. At least, not as you originally intended your life to be.

Trumpets and banners were going all around me, with my friends and partners surrounding me, the people and supporters cheering me on, Aristea retreating onto Father's side on the balcony...

Everything seemed to be just as I intended them to be.

Perhaps I miscalculated on that part. I forgot something very important. Or rather, someone really important.

"Hey, Vespertite! We ain't done yet, you arrogant fool!"

This voice. This voice which screamed my name, was a familiar one. And then, it came to me. The Goddess!

My partners turned around to see who it was.

A girl of unparaller beauty was standing amongst the crowd, emerging from the fans.

Her arrogant, playful gaze, her hazel hair, her radiant blue eyes...

"Excuse us?"said Aurelia, obviously offended by her casual tone at me.

Play it cool! Play it cool! There is no need for others to learn that some minuted earlier I reversed time and fought off a God, or I guess Goddess, so that I could kick Aristea's ass.

"O-oh! Hey Octavia! Long time no see!"

I tried to play it cool, walking right next to her for a hug.

"Octavia?! I'm the God of Ti-!"

"Ha, ha, very funny! You're such a goofball! Guys! Let me introduce you!"

I forcefully dragged the Goddess by her hand, despite the piercing, angry looks she gave at me. Plus the shoves with her elbow. Her protests died out as soon as she was in front of the other girls.

"Vespertite? this?"

Uh-oh, Aurelia sounds skeptical. She may be onto something here!


Oh no. I hit a wall. What can I say here?! What can I say to salvage the whole situation I got myself into?! What do I do?

"...i-i'm her childhood friend!"

My partners raised an eyebrow, looking at me. Aurelia was clenching her teeth, a vein popping from her forehead.

"Huh. Childhood Bah. As if someone as weak and ugly as you could be friends with Vespertite. Don't make me laugh. Now, what kind of farce is this, my dear?"said Aurelia, sounding pretty agitated.

"Haaaaaa?! Ugly? Weak?! Let me enlighten you then, how 'weak' I am. Veevee, who is she? I find it hard to believe that this...thing is your friend."

"Veevee?!"I whispered to her, trying to sound as less surprised as I could.

"Hey, I'm trying to make this believable! You should grovel at me for playing along.", she whispered back.

" Thing?! Let me inform you, I am Vespertite's girlfriend, just to 'enlighten' you."

"Really? What, you? Ha, the best one so far."

"What, you don't believe me? Come on, Vespertite. Kiss me."

"Do what?! H-hey, Aurelia...we're in public..."

"I said kiss me. Just do it."

For some reason, the Goddess' cheeks were reddening uncontrollably.

"It looks like Vespertite does not wish to show you her love and affection. Oops. How unfortunate."

"Listen here...!"

"Come on, Veevee. Let's get away from these peasants. We have to catch up, don't we? I bet we have loads of things we want to tell to each other."

The Goddess just escorted me beyond the crowd, leaving Aurelia and the others paralysed there, not able to utter a simple word. I looked pained at Aurelia behind me, giving her a warm smile. I hate to see her so sad, but this intervention was needed.

I am now standing between a rock and a hard place. What the hell is even happening?! And what the hell is going to happen next?!

Whichever should I choose to divert my attention to? To the Goddess and figuring out what to do with her? To my victory over Aristea and the things my father wants to talk with me? Or maybe my plans for succeeding to the throne? Or my Syndicate?

Gosh, they are so many!

What...what am I going to do? I'm swimming in my own ambitions; believe me, it is fun, but staying too much and too deep in the water will make me drown.

One step at a time, Vespertite. One step at a time. Everything will unfold at their own pace, at their own moment. ambitions will become clear, and my road to the throne will open wide for me to just waltz upon and seize the day.

"Carpe Diem", as they say. Carpe Diem.

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