chapter 1

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it was a beautiful day in Brooklyn and the Mario Bros were walking into the place where their sister worked at, and asked if she was busy at the moment.
Ally: actually she has an appointment at the moment but Laura will be out shortly.
Luigi: thanks Ally. they both sat down and saw the door open as Laura walked out with a cage in her hands and gave it back to a kid, who was happy to have her pet back.
Lily: thank you Doctor Laura.
Laura: your welcome and Fluffles is going to be alright he's a strong bunny now, make sure he stays on his diet so he doesn't have any more problems alright. just the basic bunny appetite remember the care book follow those instructions, to make Fluffles healthier meals.
Lily: Kay and thank you let's go home Fluffles. Laura smiled at the kid and saw her brothers.
Laura: hey guys i'm guessing your first job didn't go well?
Mario: no it didn't. Laura shook her head while filling out papers on a clip board then handed them to Ally and went to her office as she motioned the guys to follow.

*in Laura's office*

Laura: alright what happened? the guys told her what happened and she knew how it cam to Francis then got a call it was for another appointment that was in the office.
Laura: look you guys can hang out here until i finish work cause i have to take care this real quick.

*tiny time skip*

the siblings were all home and sat down at the table then things got from good to worse.
Laura: Dad i would appreciate if you didn't compare Mario to me he's trying his best and he just wants your support, but no ever since you guys adopted me i feel as if the spot light has been on me!
Papa M: but Laura your good at your job.
Laura: Dad for once think about my brothers instead of me and you wonder why i work late, because of this i am leaving don't bother trying to find me i'm a grown woman so leave me alone. Laura grabbed her leather jacket and left then went for a walk and saw what was going on then jumped down into, the sewer then found the green pipe and heard her brothers.
Mario: Laura what're you doing here?
Laura: this is where i come to get away from Dad he is just driving me crazy, i wasn't born into the family i know the truth i was adopted Mario when i was a baby. why am i even apart of the family i don't belong here in Brooklyn i found that pipe over there but i never went in it before, i don't even know where it goes. right before Mario could answer they both heard the sound of a wrench and looked at it then walked over and yelled for Luigi. they both ended up getting sucked into the pipe and Luigi was at then they both got sucked in.

*in the Mushroom Kingdom*

both Mario and Laura landed on the ground Laura held her head and stood up then helped Mario up, and got scared by Toad Laura almost hit Toad but then remembered her necklace.
Laura: (gasp) oh no my necklace!
Mario: did you loose it?
Laura: Luigi must have it he i was trying to grab him and didn't feel it come off.
Toad: what did it look like?
Laura: it's a butterfly and it has a crystal in the middle.
Toad: i'm sure we'll find it. they all went to the palace and Laura followed after them and got to meet the Princess.

*at the Castle*

Peach: who wants to try the course first?
Laura: I'll do it and Peach i know we just met but i feel i can trust you with something.
Peach: like what?
Laura: i'm a fairy and i was born one my family were so shocked at first and i kept it a secret, but let me show you. Laura began to transform and Peach was shocked to see it.
Peach: wow your wings are beautiful.

Laura: thank you now lets do this watch and learn Mario

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Laura: thank you now lets do this watch and learn Mario. Laura had completed the track and landed perfectly next to Peach then Mario went and it took him many tries but he nearly got it.

*on Bowser's ship*

Kamek: sire i found something on the ground the moustached human had it with him.
Bowser: give it to me. Kamek put the necklace in Bowser's hand and he saw the design and remembered someone, it came back to him a girl he once knew when she was still a baby.
Bowser: Laura is back and this is her necklace she always wore it when she was younger, find her and bring her here it's time for a little reunion with an old friend.
Kamek: yes highness. Kamek went to the army and told them of a girl they must find, they all understood and went to search for Laura.

*in the Kong Kingdom*

Laura: i gotta say Mario i am proud your my big brother but DK doesn't know when to quit either.
DK: you really think so?
Laura: yeah i mean i'm an animal doctor back home so it's my job to help them get better again, and make sure they stay healthy it's what i do.
Peach: wow that's amazing we have animals here too well mostly Yoshi's, Cheep Cheeps and i wouldn't call the Koopa's animals they might get offended by that.
DK: the same for me even if am an ape.
Laura: no kidding. look i wanna help stop Bowser so i'm going to head back to the Mushroom Kingdom and evacuate the Toads, see you guys there. Laura changed to a fairy and flew back to the Mushroom Kingdom but got jumped by a bunch of flying Koopas and, she fought back the best she could. then used her powers to send a message to the others.

*on the Rainbow Road*

Mario: a crystal it's from Laura.
Laura: Mario if you see this then Bowser has captured me i was on my way back to the Mushroom Kingdom when, i was attacked by Koopas please hurry and make it back to the Kingdom your our only hope!
Mario: Laura's been captured too!
Peach: oh no we have to hurry now!

*on Bowser's Ship*

Laura was still fighting against her attackers and tried to fight them but nothing was working, then she was thrown in front of Bowser.
Hammer Bro: we brought her sire she is here.
Bowser: leave her with me now you may leave good work. Laura got up and saw Bowser she was not afraid of him, until she used her powers and blasted him.
Laura: what do you want with me Bowser?
Bowser: you really don't remember me do you Laura?
Laura: what're you talking about?
Bowser: think back twenty seven years ago you were just a baby still when i met you, and your were wearing (holds out necklace)
this when i first saw you. Laura saw her necklace in Bowser's hand she tried to grab it but Bowser just moved it away.

Bowser: it was your Mothers she asked me to look after you until the day you disappeared through the pipe, Laura you were only three years old when you vanished.
Laura: the pipe my Mother (eyes widen) no it can't be true?
Bowser: it is i remember it well.


a three year old Laura was walking around near the Mushroom Kingdom and a ten year old Bowser was watching her, until she saw something and Bowser stopped her from getting hurt.
Bowser: Laura you have to be careful.
Laura: sorry Bowser i'm only three. i wonder what other worlds are out there.
Bowser: who knows but let's get you home it's getting late. just as they were walking a butterfly flew past Laura and she chased after it then fell into the pipe and yelled for Bowser he tired to get her but failed.

Bowser: i promise i will find you again even it takes me years to find you Laura.

*end of flashback*

Laura: no it's not true i don't even remember that all i can remember was being found by my adoptive family, and growing up in Brooklyn.
Bowser: you are home where you belong here in this world and here you will stay. now Kamek will show you to your room while you are here, i hope you'll be very happy here cause your going to be my bride.
Laura: (eyes widen) what?! no way would i ever marry you!
Bowser: maybe you should reconsider i have your adoptive brother Luigi if you say no he'll die, i shall you time to think until we are at the Mushroom Kingdom. Laura was taken to the royal bed chambers and the door was locked she tired everyone but nothing was working, Laura was pacing around the room trying to think but she could come up nothing.
Laura: what am i going to do if i say no Luigi is going to die the same with Peach and Toad, (cries) i never asked for this why was i so stupid as a toddler to walk in that pipe! Laura sat on the bed holding her knees up to her chest while crying.

*at the Mushroom Kingdom*

the ship had landed and Laura had chains on her wrists as she was being brought toward the entrance and saw Peach and Toad, she was about to run to them but the chains stopped her.
Peach: Laura your alright Mario was so worried about you what happened? right before Laura could talk Bowser stopped her and grabbed her by the waist.

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