Chapter Four

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"You little devil!" I scream

"You can't get me!" Yells Cody


"Ow when was there a door there!" Cries out Cody

"Ah-ha caught ya. We better have a rematch." Scream back at him.

"Yeah well this floor aint gunna do good, unless I get up." He chuckles.

I bend down, reaching my hand out to him. Pulling him off the floor.

"You know you should at least get like a marking in the glass, so next time when you try to make a run for it, you'll know not to go that way." I suggest.

I look up just to see Cody starring at me. I stare back up at him. Were still holding hands, just to have Cody's mom rush through the kitchen door.

"What on earth Cody are you okay!" she asks frantically rushing over to us. I let go of Cody's hand and take a step back. My cheeks are probably a dark shade of pink right now.

"I'm fine mom." Cody repeats "Really I'm fine."

"How'd this happened?" Cody's mom asks looking at me.

I shrug my shoulders a little and put in a bright smile. "Oh well let's see it all started with YOUR SON IS A COMPLETE CHEATING MONSTER!" I yell lunging forward and tackling Cody onto the couch. Only to have him roll off the couch, landing in top of me, pinning my arms to the side of my head.

"Am not!"

I then blew a quick spit ball into his face, making him back up, stratalling my hips.

"Cody get off."

"Not without the tickle monster giving someone a little visit!" He sings

He then springs his hands out, gripping at my stomach and tickling me.

"I'll just leave you two alone." Cody's mom chuckles, turning away and walking away.

"N-no please st-stay I need yo-you!" I say between laughs.

Then he stops and I can finally breathe. "I'll stop here your almost about to choke."

Still stratalling my hips, he looks down at me, starring into his eyes.

I cough slightly. "Cody you should uh put some ice on your forehead..." I awkwardly said.

He gets off me and bends down to help me up, whilst in the process of squeezing my side one more time making me laugh again.

After a while of sitting in the kitchen helping Cody with his now bruised forehead, we decided to just truce our game and watch a movie. But at the rematch agreement, I made him swear he would do, I got to choose what movie.

"Do we really have to watch The Fault In Our Stars?" Cody whines.

"Yes we made an agreement." I said jumping down onto the couch, next to him. I pull a blanket over my lap and hit play.

"Well at least share the blanket it is my house still." He winks pulling some of the blanket over his lap.

The movie begins and not even a minute through the movie Cody stands up and takes the remote, turning the tv off.

"Hey!" I stand up too and try to reach the remote, but only fail because he raises his hand all the way towards the ceiling and with him being like a giant, I can't get the remote.

"I have a better idea." He smiles setting the remote down and heading to the kitchen.

"And what will that be?" I ask following him with a from on my face.

"Grab a blanket and meet me outside." He says.

I listen to him and grab the blanket from the couch. I walk out and notice how chilly it is at night. I wrap my self in the blanket and sit down on a lawn chair on the patio.

"No, no lye the blanket down on the grass." He demands as he walks out with a basket.

"But I'm cold." I whine.

"I can fix that but for now put the blanket on the ground."

I listen to him and lye the blanket on the grass. I immediately cross my hands over my chest and rub my arms to get warm.

He sets the basket down then goes back inside, but shortly comes back with a hoodie. "Here you can borrow my hoodie." He hands me the jacket and I slip it on. It smells so good, and it's so cozy.

"Thank you." I reply. "But what about you?"

"Nah I'm good, as long as your warm I'm warm." He sits down on the blanket and pats the area next to him motioning me to sit next to him. I follow his request and sit right next to him as he opens the basket.

"What's inside?" I ask peeking into the basket. He lightly pulls me away and pulls out the items.

Inside of the basket were one tub of ice cream, a telescope, and lantern. With the exception of two spoons.

"If you don't mind sharing a tub of ice cream with me." He said handing me a spoon.

"As long as it's not Oreo I'm perfectly fine with that." I ask picking up the tub. I read the label and it says "Mint Chocolate Chip"

"Your favorite right?" He questions pulling the lid letting me have the first bite.

"Mm, yes it is!" I shovel another scoop into my mouth, but look over and notice Cody. I hand him the tub and he chuckles, as he scoops some into his mouth.

"Okay you ready for this?" He asks setting his spoon down.

"Ready for what?" I set mine down as well and follow him to the other side of the blanket where he sets up the telescope.

"To see Jupiter! On the news it said tonight should be a very clear night to see it." He looks into the telescope then leans back. "Here look into it."

As I lean into the telescope I feel his hand on the small of my back, almost distracting me from looking for Jupiter. "Oh I found it!" I yell pointing out into the night sky. I lean back, Cody's hand still on my back.

"Great job." He hugs me and then let's go looking for some other things.

An hour later when we finally gave up after it became to cloudy, we finished our ice cream so now we're just lying on the blanket next to each other.

I'm still freezing cold, even tho I have a hoodie on.

"You cold?" He asks looking towards me. I nod my head and reaches over pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest, and he wraps his arms around me.

Suddenly I'm not so cold anymore, but more than that I realize I'm tired, and I'm slowly drifting off to sleep listening to his heart beat.

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