Chapter Two

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"Oh I am so killing you Cody Grey!" I scream as he takes a whols scoup full and pours it on my head.

"Not if you can't catch me!" He yells running away

"What do mean, I can out run you any d-"I fall face first into mud. "Are you serious right now. Thanks a lot Cody!" I scream wiping my face.

"Aww don't worry its just a little mud." he says with a fake frown.

"Can you help me up please." I plead.

"Sure thi-!" As soon as he bends down and grabs my hand I pull him into the mud with me. "Touché Kat, Touché."

Oh man how I love these days. I love it when me and Cody can just be out here, in our own little clearing in the woods, all day.

"Hey you hungry?" Cody asks while handing me a towel after getting up. From lying in the mud laughing.

"Uh yeah, What ya got? Cause I was thinking of a MUD PIE!" I scream shoveling mud into his face.

"Oh gross it got in my mouth."

"Your probably likeing it seeing as your a PIG!" I chuckle.

"Come here give me a hug."he says opening his arm coming closer to me.

"No way I'm already muddy enough." i roll my eyes. But that doesn't work because two seconds later he wrapped me into a hug squishing more mud on me.

"Oh come its just mud it wont kill you."

"Oh really, says the boy who just went 'oh gross it got in my mouth'." I laugh. "Now let me go." I demand.

"Fine here's your sandwich." he lets go of me while handing me the sandwich after wiping his hands off. The rain still pouring. Luckily were kinda standing under a tree.

"Thanks what kind is it?"

"I dont know you tell me." He smirks.

I take a huge bite into and a smile quickly forms onto my face. Oh man I haven't had a peanut butter chocolate, and bananas slice sandwich since I was twelve.

"Eh so did I do good or not." He asks taking a bite of his own.

"Yeah you did, I can't believe you still remember." I squeal

"How could I forget we came up with this the first time we hung out together." He replies setting his sandwich down.

I was five and Cody was six,I still remember that day, my moms friend came over for lunch and she brought her son. I was not thrilled about a boy being in my house, but that was when I thought all boys had cuties.

When it was time for lunch, I quickly told my mom I was making it. She let me but I couldn't do it alone so she made Cody help me. I was going to make a regular sandwich, but there wasn't any turkey. That's when we just grabbed out the peanut butter and the chocolate spread, and just started dumping it onto two pieces of bread.

Cody's mom said that we had to have something healthy with it as well so we took some bananas, with my moms help of cutting them, we placed them in the middle of the two pieces of bread.

Ever since then it had been our sandwich. I also finally come to realize at that point boys didn't have cuties. I guess you can say from hanging around Cody alot that makes me a tomboy. I guess it does but I still get girl moments.

"Hey the rain it's finally lighting up."he says

"Yay finally." I jump up and grab Cody's hand.

"What are you doing, Kat?"

The Girl in The BackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon