P- Hey. Are u all right? 

Prithvi was looking at her all this time without blinking. It was as if she was singing for him. He couldn't help but smile. He came out of his thoughts when he heard Priya asking something.

Prithvi- What?

P- I was asking are u alright? U were looking out of space and smiling like an idiot. Btw, how was my song. Did u like it?

Prithvi- That was a very lovely performance, Rajkumari. I have not heard any song like this before.

Priya became happy hearing this. This was a song that Priya's mother used to sing for her. Remembering her mother brought tears to her eyes. She felt like crying, so she ran outside.

Prithvi saw the change of expression in Priya. He wondered why she got upset suddenly. He looked at Priya, who ran outside. He followed her.

Priya cried thinking of her mother. She loved both her parents, but she was closer to her mother than her father. She couldn't help but cry thinking of her past. The day everything changed. 

Prithvi who followed Priya saw her crying. He went near her and gave her cloth.

Prithvi- I know we are not that close, but u can share your pain with me.

Priya took the cloth from him and wiped her face. Priya then took a deep breath and spoke.

P- I don't want to talk about it but thanks for asking. Thanks for the Handkerchief. 

Prithvi- No problem. He smiled and spoke. He looked at her face which became red because of crying.

She looks so cute with that red face of hers, thought Prithvi.

P- well, can we go somewhere else.

Prithvi- Come Rajkumari.

P- You can call me Paro. 

Prithvi got surprised with the sudden request. Nevertheless, he smiled and spoke. Ok PARO.

Priya didn't understand why her heartbeat fast when Prithvi called her Paro. She felt it right for him to call her Paro. She didn't know why she asked him to call her that. She only allows her loved ones to call her that. For some reason, she couldn't help but feel special. 

Priya and Prithvi started to walk around the stalls when Priya felt someone following them. She looked behind but saw no one. She thought it was her imagination. Priya was feeling restless.

Prithvi- What happened Paro?

P- I feel something bad is going to happen. Don't know what but can't help feeling it.

Prithvi- Maybe it is your imagination.

P- No. My intuition can never be wrong. 

Just then screams were heard. Both went and looked and saw people running. Fire was everywhere. Some people were attacking. Priya ran towards a child who was almost got attacked. She swept the child and put him in the side. The child was crying. Priya consoled the child.

P- Don't worry. No one can hurt you.

Child- Didi, please help. My parents are in the house. The house is on fire and they are inside. Please save them Didi. 

P- I will save your parents. Don't worry.

The attacker tried to attack Priya from behind. Priya got really angry, and she started to fight.

P- WHO ARE YOU GUYS? She asked while beating the guy who attacked the child.

Prithvi who saw his people injured got angry and started to fight.

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