D1no meets an AU of herself- and some incorrect quotes- (5K special ig-?)

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D1no looks at E!D1no.
"...W-Who are you..?" She asks. E!D1no chuckles slightly, and she grins. Her appearance was similar to D1no's, except E!D1no's front hair was red, and she was wearing black and purple instead of plain purple.
"...I'm you." She replies, grinning. "...W-What do you mean you're me?" D1no asks, looking horrified. "Y-You're someone that looks like me, t-that is not me." D1no says, and takes a step back. "I am not you!"

"Ignore it all you want.. but in reality, we're the same." E!D1no laughs, looking at her.

"N-No, we're not! You're a monster! You're not me! I'm me!" D1no's yells, as her face starts to turn red, her body trembling from the horror. "Who are you?! What do you want?!

"...Well, if you insist, I'm E!D1no. As for what I want... well, I don't exactly know how I got here." She replies.

"E...E!D1no?" D1no says. She looks perplexed, and concerned. "You're not real... you're a nightmare made manifest, you're just a figment..." D1no starts backing away slowly. "You're not real!"

E!D1no sighs. "God, this annoying-"

"I-I'm guessing you're some alternate, parallel, universe counterpart..?" D1no asks.

"Yup." E!D1no says, and shrugs.

"Why do you even exist?!" D1no yells, getting riled up with how unfazed E!D1no is with her own appearance.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?! If I had the option to not exist, I'd take it." E!D1no mutters the last part, rolling her eyes.

"...you're really that hopeless, huh?" D1no asks. "You would literally delete yourself?"

"Well no shit, Sherlock." E!D1no says.

"...why are you so negative all the time? Your life that bad?!" D1no asks. She getting even more frustrated now.

"I'm a fucking villain, of course I'm gonna be negative." E!D1no says, putting her hands on her hips.

"Being a villain is no excuse to be a dick!" D1no shouts. "Just because you're the bad guy, doesn't mean you can't have a good heart in there!"

"I can be a dick all I want! I don't have a good heart, okay!?" E!D1no shouts back.

"God, no wonder nobody likes you..!" D1no yells, as she turns away.

"I'm completely aware of this, you don't have to remind me!" E!D1no mutters.

"Then stop being a dick and maybe you won't be so alone!" D1no shouts.

"I'd prefer to be alone rather than being betrayed." E!D1no says quietly.

"What, and nobody can ever be trusted?" D1no asks, her voice almost breaking. "Why are you so pessimistic?!"

"Just shut up!" E!D1no yells, on the verge of snapping.

"W-what's wrong with you?!" D1no yells back, tears forming in his eyes. "It's like you *want* people to hate you!"

"Well maybe I prefer it that way!-" E!D1no says.

"Why?!" D1no yells. "Why do you prefer to be alone! What's the point of even existing if you're the only one who cares about you?!"

"Who said I care about myself!? Y'know what.. just leave me alone."  E!D1no says, turning away.

"...wow..." D1no mutters, shaking his head. She was left silent, as she backed away and left the room. She sat down in his room, now feeling even more alone than before.

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